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Fixed issue #07951: Print view don't allways take survey template
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Dev: fix the way $templatename is choosen, leave control of existing print_survey.pstpl (for old survey template ?)
Dev: use included function is allways best to construct again and again !..
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Shnoulle committed Jun 30, 2013
1 parent 7631b60 commit db5b2dd
Showing 1 changed file with 25 additions and 78 deletions.
103 changes: 25 additions & 78 deletions application/controllers/admin/printablesurvey.php
Expand Up @@ -43,40 +43,24 @@ function index($surveyid, $lang = null)
// Set the language of the survey, either from GET parameter of session var
if (isset($lang))
$lang = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/", "", $lang);
if ($lang) $surveyprintlang = $lang;
} else
$surveyprintlang=getBaseLanguageFromSurveyID((int) $surveyid);


if (!($aSurveyInfo))
$this->getController()->error('Invalid survey ID');
// Be sure to have a valid language
// Setting the selected language for printout
$clang = new limesurvey_lang($surveyprintlang);

$desrow = Survey::model()->with(array('languagesettings'=>array('condition'=>'surveyls_language=:language','params'=>array(':language'=>$surveyprintlang))))->findByAttributes(array('sid' => $surveyid));

if (is_null($desrow))
$this->getController()->error('Invalid survey ID');

$desrow = array_merge($desrow->attributes, $desrow->languagesettings[0]->attributes);

//echo '<pre>'.print_r($desrow,true).'</pre>';
$template = $desrow['template'];
$welcome = $desrow['surveyls_welcometext'];
$end = $desrow['surveyls_endtext'];
$surveyname = $desrow['surveyls_title'];
$surveydesc = $desrow['surveyls_description'];
$surveyactive = $desrow['active'];
$surveytable = "{{survey_".$desrow['sid']."}}";
$surveyexpirydate = $desrow['expires'];
$surveyfaxto = $desrow['faxto'];
$dateformattype = $desrow['surveyls_dateformat'];
$templatename = validateTemplateDir($aSurveyInfo['templatedir']);
$welcome = $aSurveyInfo['surveyls_welcometext'];
$end = $aSurveyInfo['surveyls_endtext'];
$surveyname = $aSurveyInfo['surveyls_title'];
$surveydesc = $aSurveyInfo['surveyls_description'];
$surveyactive = $aSurveyInfo['active'];
$surveytable = "{{survey_".$aSurveyInfo['sid']."}}";
$surveyexpirydate = $aSurveyInfo['expires'];
$surveyfaxto = $aSurveyInfo['faxto'];
$dateformattype = $aSurveyInfo['surveyls_dateformat'];


Expand All @@ -101,22 +85,23 @@ function index($surveyid, $lang = null)

//Fix $templatename : control if print_survey.pstpl exist
define('PRINT_TEMPLATE_DIR' , Yii::app()->getConfig('usertemplaterootdir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , true);
define('PRINT_TEMPLATE_URL' , Yii::app()->getConfig('usertemplaterooturl').'/'.$template.'/' , true);
$templatename = $templatename;// Change nothing
define('PRINT_TEMPLATE_DIR' , Yii::app()->getConfig('standardtemplaterootdir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$template.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , true);
define('PRINT_TEMPLATE_URL' , Yii::app()->getConfig('standardtemplaterooturl').'/'.$template.'/' , true);
define('PRINT_TEMPLATE_DIR' , Yii::app()->getConfig('standardtemplaterootdir').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'default'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR , true);
define('PRINT_TEMPLATE_URL' , Yii::app()->getConfig('standardtemplaterooturl').'/default/' , true);
$sFullTemplatePath = getTemplatePath($templatename).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$sFullTemplateUrl = getTemplateURL($templatename)."/";
define('PRINT_TEMPLATE_DIR' , $sFullTemplatePath , true);
define('PRINT_TEMPLATE_URL' , $sFullTemplateUrl , true);

LimeExpressionManager::StartSurvey($surveyid, 'survey',NULL,false,LEM_PRETTY_PRINT_ALL_SYNTAX);
$moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,44 +151,6 @@ function index($surveyid, $lang = null)
$survey_output['FAX_TO'] = $clang->gT("Please fax your completed survey to:")." $surveyfaxto";

* Output arrays:
* $survey_output = final vaiables for whole survey
* $survey_output['SITENAME'] =
* $survey_output['SURVEYNAME'] =
* $survey_output['SURVEY_DESCRIPTION'] =
* $survey_output['WELCOME'] =
* $survey_output['THEREAREXQUESTIONS'] =
* $survey_output['PDF_FORM'] =
* $survey_output['HEADELEMENTS'] =
* $survey_output['TEMPLATEURL'] =
* $survey_output['SUBMIT_TEXT'] =
* $survey_output['SUBMIT_BY'] =
* $survey_output['THANKS'] =
* $survey_output['FAX_TO'] =
* $survey_output['SURVEY'] = contains an array of all the group arrays
* $groups[] = an array of all the groups output
* $group['GROUPNAME'] =
* $group['QUESTIONS'] = templated formatted content if $question is appended to this at the end of processing each question.
* $group['ODD_EVEN'] = class to differentiate alternate groups
* $group['SCENARIO'] =
* $questions[] = contains an array of all the questions within a group
* $question['QUESTION_CODE'] = content of the question code field
* $question['QUESTION_TEXT'] = content of the question field
* $question['QUESTION_SCENARIO'] = if there are conditions on a question, list the conditions.
* $question['QUESTION_MANDATORY'] = translated 'mandatory' identifier
* $question['QUESTION_CLASS'] = classes to be added to wrapping question div
* $question['QUESTION_TYPE_HELP'] = instructions on how to complete the question
* $question['QUESTION_MAN_MESSAGE'] = (not sure if this is used) mandatory error
* $question['QUESTION_VALID_MESSAGE'] = (not sure if this is used) validation error
* $question['ANSWER'] = contains formatted HTML answer
* $question['QUESTIONHELP'] = content of the question help field.

$total_questions = 0;
$answertext = ''; // otherwise can throw an error on line 1617
Expand Down

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