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fix: [security] Fix persistent xss via link type attributes containin…
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…g javascript:// links

- low impact as it requires user interaction to trigger

- as reported by João Lucas Melo Brasio from Elytron Security S.A. (
  • Loading branch information
iglocska committed May 7, 2019
1 parent 3a085a6 commit 6f6fb67
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 51 deletions.
104 changes: 53 additions & 51 deletions app/View/Elements/Events/View/value_field.ctp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,58 +1,60 @@
$sigDisplay = $object['value'];
if ('attachment' == $object['type'] || 'malware-sample' == $object['type'] ) {
if ($object['type'] == 'attachment' && isset($object['image'])) {
if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
$img = '<it class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner" style="font-size: large; left: 50%; top: 50%;"></it>';
$img .= '<img class="screenshot screenshot-collapsed useCursorPointer img-rounded hidden" src="' . $baseurl . '/attributes/viewPicture/' . h($object['id']) . '/1' . '" title="' . h($object['value']) . '" onload="$(this).show(200); $(this).parent().find(\'.fa-spinner\').remove();"/>';
echo $img;
$sigDisplay = $object['value'];
if ('attachment' == $object['type'] || 'malware-sample' == $object['type'] ) {
if ($object['type'] == 'attachment' && isset($object['image'])) {
if (extension_loaded('gd')) {
$img = '<it class="fa fa-spin fa-spinner" style="font-size: large; left: 50%; top: 50%;"></it>';
$img .= '<img class="screenshot screenshot-collapsed useCursorPointer img-rounded hidden" src="' . $baseurl . '/attributes/viewPicture/' . h($object['id']) . '/1' . '" title="' . h($object['value']) . '" onload="$(this).show(200); $(this).parent().find(\'.fa-spinner\').remove();"/>';
echo $img;
} else {
$extension = explode('.', $object['value']);
$extension = end($extension);
$uri = 'data:image/' . strtolower(h($extension)) . ';base64,' . h($object['image']);
echo '<img class="screenshot screenshot-collapsed useCursorPointer" src="' . $uri . '" title="' . h($object['value']) . '" />';
} else {
$extension = explode('.', $object['value']);
$extension = end($extension);
$uri = 'data:image/' . strtolower(h($extension)) . ';base64,' . h($object['image']);
echo '<img class="screenshot screenshot-collapsed useCursorPointer" src="' . $uri . '" title="' . h($object['value']) . '" />';
$filenameHash = explode('|', h($object['value']));
if (strrpos($filenameHash[0], '\\')) {
$filepath = substr($filenameHash[0], 0, strrpos($filenameHash[0], '\\'));
$filename = substr($filenameHash[0], strrpos($filenameHash[0], '\\'));
echo h($filepath);
echo '<a href="' . $baseurl . '/attributes/download/' . h($object['id']) . '" class="' . $linkClass . '">' . h($filename) . '</a>';
} else {
echo '<a href="' . $baseurl . '/attributes/download/' . h($object['id']) . '" class="' . $linkClass . '">' . h($filenameHash[0]) . '</a>';
if (isset($filenameHash[1])) echo '<br />' . $filenameHash[1];
} else if (strpos($object['type'], '|') !== false) {
$separator = in_array($object['type'], array('ip-dst|port', 'ip-src|port')) ? ':' : '<br />';
$value_pieces = explode('|', $object['value']);
foreach ($value_pieces as $k => $v) {
$value_pieces[$k] = h($v);
$object['value'] = implode($separator, $value_pieces);
echo ($object['value']);
} else if ('vulnerability' == $object['type']) {
$cveUrl = (is_null(Configure::read('MISP.cveurl'))) ? "" : Configure::read('MISP.cveurl');
echo $this->Html->link($sigDisplay, $cveUrl . $sigDisplay, array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => $linkClass));
} else if ('link' == $object['type'] && (substr($object['value'], 0, 7) === 'http://' || substr($object['value'], 0, 8) === 'https://')) {
echo $this->Html->link($sigDisplay, $sigDisplay, array('class' => $linkClass));
} else if ('cortex' == $object['type']) {
echo '<div class="cortex-json" data-cortex-json="' . h($object['value']) . '">Cortex object</div>';
} else if ('text' == $object['type']) {
if (($object['category'] == 'Internal reference' || $object['category'] == 'External analysis') && preg_match('/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}/i', $object['value'])) {
echo '<a href="' . $baseurl . '/events/view/' . h($object['value']) . '" class="' . $linkClass . '">' . h($object['value']) . '</a>';
} else {
$sigDisplay = str_replace("\r", '', h($sigDisplay));
$sigDisplay = str_replace(" ", '&nbsp;', $sigDisplay);
echo $sigDisplay;
} else if ('hex' == $object['type']) {
$sigDisplay = str_replace("\r", '', $sigDisplay);
echo '<span class="hex-value" title="' . __('Hexadecimal representation') . '">' . h($sigDisplay) . '</span>&nbsp;<span role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="' . __('Switch to binary representation') . '" class="icon-repeat hex-value-convert useCursorPointer" title="' . __('Switch to binary representation') . '"></span>';
} else {
$filenameHash = explode('|', h($object['value']));
if (strrpos($filenameHash[0], '\\')) {
$filepath = substr($filenameHash[0], 0, strrpos($filenameHash[0], '\\'));
$filename = substr($filenameHash[0], strrpos($filenameHash[0], '\\'));
echo h($filepath);
echo '<a href="' . $baseurl . '/attributes/download/' . h($object['id']) . '" class="' . $linkClass . '">' . h($filename) . '</a>';
} else {
echo '<a href="' . $baseurl . '/attributes/download/' . h($object['id']) . '" class="' . $linkClass . '">' . h($filenameHash[0]) . '</a>';
if (isset($filenameHash[1])) echo '<br />' . $filenameHash[1];
$sigDisplay = str_replace("\r", '', $sigDisplay);
echo h($sigDisplay);
} else if (strpos($object['type'], '|') !== false) {
$separator = in_array($object['type'], array('ip-dst|port', 'ip-src|port')) ? ':' : '<br />';
$value_pieces = explode('|', $object['value']);
foreach ($value_pieces as $k => $v) {
$value_pieces[$k] = h($v);
$object['value'] = implode($separator, $value_pieces);
echo ($object['value']);
} else if ('vulnerability' == $object['type']) {
$cveUrl = (is_null(Configure::read('MISP.cveurl'))) ? "" : Configure::read('MISP.cveurl');
echo $this->Html->link($sigDisplay, $cveUrl . $sigDisplay, array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => $linkClass));
} else if ('link' == $object['type']) {
echo $this->Html->link($sigDisplay, $sigDisplay, array('class' => $linkClass));
} else if ('cortex' == $object['type']) {
echo '<div class="cortex-json" data-cortex-json="' . h($object['value']) . '">Cortex object</div>';
} else if ('text' == $object['type']) {
if (($object['category'] == 'Internal reference' || $object['category'] == 'External analysis') && preg_match('/[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}/i', $object['value'])) {
echo '<a href="' . $baseurl . '/events/view/' . h($object['value']) . '" class="' . $linkClass . '">' . h($object['value']) . '</a>';
} else {
$sigDisplay = str_replace("\r", '', h($sigDisplay));
$sigDisplay = str_replace(" ", '&nbsp;', $sigDisplay);
echo $sigDisplay;
if (isset($object['validationIssue'])) {
echo ' <span class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" title="' . __('Warning, this doesn\'t seem to be a legitimate ') . strtoupper(h($object['type'])) . __(' value') . '">&nbsp;</span>';
} else if ('hex' == $object['type']) {
$sigDisplay = str_replace("\r", '', $sigDisplay);
echo '<span class="hex-value" title="' . __('Hexadecimal representation') . '">' . h($sigDisplay) . '</span>&nbsp;<span role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="' . __('Switch to binary representation') . '" class="icon-repeat hex-value-convert useCursorPointer" title="' . __('Switch to binary representation') . '"></span>';
} else {
$sigDisplay = str_replace("\r", '', $sigDisplay);
echo h($sigDisplay);
if (isset($object['validationIssue'])) echo ' <span class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" title="' . __('Warning, this doesn\'t seem to be a legitimate ') . strtoupper(h($object['type'])) . __(' value') . '">&nbsp;</span>';

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