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Event Planner Web App

This web app is a work in progress and aims to provide an easy way to plan events and invite friends sharing the costs with them. The main reason I started this project was to apply my frontend skills using React + Redux while learning Typescript on the way. If you want to learn more about how I have been planning this project from scratch, you can read the My Journey file.


Tech stack


  • React for the UI
  • Redux for state management
  • Typescript for type checking


For the backend information, you can check the Magno Ferreira's event-planner-service repository.



  • I built a React/Redux front end for the application using the Create React App to bootstrap the project.

Available data

There are 4 types of objects stored in the database:

  • User
  • Event
  • Subject
  • Task


  • User object includes:
Attribute Type Description
id String The user’s unique identifier
name String The user’s name
email String The user’s e-email address


  • Event object includes:
Attribute Type Description
id String The event’s unique identifier
title String The event’s name
host Object Object containing the host id, name and email
subject Object Object containing the meal id, name, details (optional), the creator id and url of the meal photo (optional)
date String The date and time the event will take place in the format "14-05-2020 12:44:22"
createDate String The event's creation date and time in the format "14-05-2020 12:44:22"
address String The event’s location
maxNumberGuest Number The max number of guests for the event
tasks Array Array containing tasks objects, including id, details, eventId and owner id, who is responsible for the task
guestInEvents Array Array of guest objects, including id, name, email and status of the guests who registered for the event
totalCost Number The event's total cost
additionalInfo String Additional info (optional)
eventStatus String Status of the event: "Open" or "Close"
pricePerGuest Number The cost per guest


  • Subject object includes:
Attribute Type Description
id String The subject’s unique identifier
name String The subject’s name
imageUrl FileList Image url (optional)
detail String Additional info (optional)
createdBy String Creator id


  • Subject object includes:
Attribute Type Description
id String The task’s unique identifier
eventId String Event id
details String Additional info (optional)
owner String Owner id


[ SERVICES NEED UPDATE ] My code talks to the database via the methods listed bellow:


  • getUser(userId)
  • getUsers()


  • getEvent(eventId)
  • getEvents(userId)
  • createEvent(eventInput)
  • subscribeToEvent(guestId, eventId)
  • acceptGuestInEvent(guestId, status)


  • getSubject(subjectId)
  • getSubjects(userId)
  • createSubject(subjectInput)


  • getTask(taskId)
  • getTasks(userId)
  • createTask(taskInput)
  • subscribeToTask(ownerId, eventId) [ ADD TASK METHODS ]

Methods description

  1. getUser(userId) Method

Description: Get the user based on the user id.

Return Value: User object with the following properties: id, name and email of the user.

  1. getUsers() Method

Description: Get all of the existing users from the database.

Return Value: Paginated object where there is a property called items with an array of User objects as value. It also has currentPage and totalPages properties.

  1. getEvent(eventId) Method

Description: Get all an specific event based on the event id.

Return Value: Event object including the following properties: id, title, host, subject, date, createDate, address, maxNumberGuest, tasks, guestInEvents, totalCost, additionalInfo, eventStatus and pricePerGuest.

  1. getEvents(userId) Method

Description: Get all events for an specific user.

Return Value: Paginated object where there is a property called items with an array of Event objects as value. It also has currentPage and totalPages properties.

  1. createEvent(eventInput) Method

Description: Create a new event and store it on the database.

Parameters: Object that includes the following properties: title, host, subject, additionalInfo, address, date, total_cost, maxNumberGuest. More details about these properties:

Attribute Type Description
title String The event’s name
subject string Subject id
additionalInfo String Additional info (optional)
address String The event’s location
date Date The event's date and time in the format "14-05-2020 12:44:22"
totalCost Number The event's total cost
maxNumberGuest Number The max number of guests the event can support
tasks Array Array containing task objects including only the details (optional)

Return Value: The created event id.

  1. subscribeToEvent(guestId, eventId) Method

Description: Add a guest to a particular event in the database, by adding the guest object to the guestInEvents array inside the Event object. The guest object includes and id, name, email and status for the guest, which starts as 'pending' and can be changed by the host to 'approved'.

Parameters: The event id and the guest id is the authed user id. More details about these properties:

Return Value: This method doesn't return anything.

  1. acceptGuestInEvent(guestId, status) Method

Description: Update the guest status for a particular event and guest object in the Event object.

Parameters: The guest id and the new status approved.

Return Value: This method doesn't return anything.

  1. getSubject(subjectId)

Description: Get the subejct based on the subject id.

Return Value: Subject object with the following properties: id, name, imageUrl (optional), detail (optional) and createdBy with the creator id.

  1. getSubjects(userId)

Description: Get all subjects for an specific user.

Return Value: Paginated object where there is a property called items with an array of Subject objects as value. It also has currentPage and totalPages properties.

  1. createSubject(subjectInput)

Description: Create a new subject and store it on the database.

Parameters: Object that includes the following properties: name, imageUrl (optional) and detail (optional). More details about these properties:

Attribute Type Description
name String The subject's name
imageUrl FileList Image url
detail String Additional info (optional)

Return Value: The created subject id.

How to install and use the frontend

  • Download the files, cd into root directory and run:
# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Run the app
$ npm start


References and Resources

Image and Icons References

Image or icon Author Source
logo Oksana Latysheva Noun Project
two people cooking Edgar Castrejon Unsplash
Top view of a table with food Spencer Davis Unsplash
People around a counter laughing Kelsey Chance Unsplash


[IN PROGRESS] Event planner react web app






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