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Instructor Guide FAQ

mishaschwartz edited this page Sep 2, 2020 · 1 revision

Instructor Frequently Asked Questions

How do I upgrade a grader to an admin?

You can't. However, there is a workaround. Edit the username of the grader user to something that is unlikely to be a username of an existing user. Now you can create a new admin user with the grader's original username. The grader now has a new account with admin access.

For example, to change a grader with username grader123 to an admin:

  1. Edit the username for grader123 to something like grader123INVALIDUSER (or something similar)
  2. Create a new admin user with the username grader123
  3. Tell grader123 to log in as normal

How do I accept a late file submitted after the final deadline?

Students can submit files after the final deadline - tell students to ignore the warning and submit as usual.

To collect:

  1. Go to "Submissions" view.
  2. Click on the repo name of the group (second column in the table).
  3. Click on the "Collect and Grade This Revision" button.
  4. You should be redirected to the submission, but you can also access it from the Submissions table.

How do I accept work which a student submitted to the wrong assignment?

For an individual assignment: tell the student to submit it to the correct assignment. You can manually collect and grade this late submission even if it happens after the final deadline (see previous question).

For a group assignment: if the student has already created a group for the correct assignment, tell them to submit and then follow the instructions in the previous question.

If the student has not already created a group, you can do the same thing, but first you must create one manually for the student (under the Groups tab).

How do I make a grade change?

For an assignment: unrelease the assignment, then make the desired changes, and re-release it.

For a marks spreadsheet: you can change the mark directly in the table, or upload a CSV file to update the marks. Unreleasing and re-releasing is possible, but not necessary.

How do I checkout all submissions for an assignment?

Before assignments have been collected (e.g., for doing an autotesting dry run):

  1. Go to the Submissions table and click on "Subversion Repo List". You can extract the SVN repo urls directly from there.

After assignments have been collected - uses correct revision number automatically:

  1. Go to the Submissions table and click on "Subversion Checkout File".
  2. The downloaded file is a script you can use to checkout all student submissions, with the correct revision numbers (with respect to the assignment due date).

How do I delete an assignment?

MarkUs doesn't support deleting assignments. However, you can hide the assignment so that it doesn't appear to students in the Assignment Settings page.

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