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Customized raid scheduling

Masuzu edited this page Sep 23, 2018 · 24 revisions

Getting started

You can define a customized scheduling to repeat a certain number of times raid A, then move on to raid B and so on, using the Customized raid scheduling mode. This can be used for instance to complete all of the hard and very hard Magna raids during half AP events, in which the AP cost to host these raids is usually reduced to 0.

To use this mode, open with a text editor the configuration file ZooeyBot.ini and set the variable Enabled under the CustomizedScheduling section to true. Then, edit the file scheduling.lua to define which raids, how many repetitions and in which order you would like to complete them.

Launch Zooey.exe and start the Chrome extension as with the default mode, then navigate to the quest menu. Zooey will take over at this very moment and go through the raid scheduling that you defined.


For instance, say you would like to repeat twice Tiamat Showdown costing 15 AP (the URL of the summon selection page for this raid is followed by 3 Adversa Showdowns (URL costing 10 AP.

To do so, your scheduling.lua script would be:

RepeatQuest("", 15, 2)
RepeatQuest("", 10, 3)

You can also define a Lua script to use as follows:

--[[ the script Scripts/XXXX.lua will be used for all the following raids ]]
RepeatQuest("", 15, 2)
RepeatQuest("", 10, 3)
--[[ use a different script ]]

Also, you can choose which summons to select as follows:

SetPreferredSummons("Kaguya,White Rabbit,Bahamut_1")
--[[For the following raids, Zooey will try and use the previously defined preferred summons]]

You can force summon rerolling by setting the configuration parameter RerollSummonWhenNoPreferredSummonWasFound under the Summon section to true.

You can select a preferred party using the commands SetPreferredPartyGroup and SetPreferredPartyDeck. Please refer to the party selection page for more details.

Hosting event quests

For some events such as Rise of the Beasts, you will need to navigate to the event page URL before hosting a raid. You can do so using the command SetEventPageUrl. For instance, you would use the following snippet of Lua code to host Baihu showdown and clear the Titan raid which appears after clearing 8 Baihu showdowns:

SetEventPageUrl("") --[[Make sure to set the URL of the event page to the correct value first]]
for i=1,3 do --[[Clear 3 Titan raids]]
  RepeatQuest("", 20, 8)
  --[[Titan should appear after clearning 8 raids]]
  RepeatQuest("", 30, 1)

You will find here an example of scheduling script to clear all the Hard and Very Hard versions of the Magna raids.

More information about the preferred summon list syntax can be found here.



Event quests requiring a certain number of items to be hosted are not supported by this mode.

After finishing scheduling a list of raids, you can have Zooey play the same sound notification as the one which is played when the captcha screen appears, by setting the configuration parameter PlaySoundNotificationAfterScheduling under the CustomizedScheduling section to true.

Rise of the Beasts specific commands

You can have Zooey check your Four Symbols Pendants count with the command Assert4SymbolsPendantsBelow(30000), which will play a sound notification whenever your pendants count is greater than or equal to 30000. You can choose to pass as parameter of this command any strictly positive integer.

A possible use of this command is shown below, in which the current pendants count is checked after each raid:

for i=1,3 do --[[Clear 3 Titan raids]]
  for i=1,8 do --[[Clear 8 Baihu raids to spawn Titan]]
    RepeatQuest("", 20, 1)
  RepeatQuest("", 30, 1)