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This is a resource loader similar to requirejs, curl, bdLoader and many more. It is not compliant to the AMD specification at the moment, simply because it would be less flexible, though it could be and might be made compliant in the future.


  • Automatic dependency resolution
  • Circular dependency detection
  • Loading of non-bootstrap js files
  • Loading of non js files (css, xhr)
  • Loading of absolute urls
  • Dependency injection into the module's callback
  • Assign any resource to an injected variable, or just download it
  • Any resource can be set to block any subsequent dependencies
  • Multiple module definitions into one file
  • All modules can be assigned to a public namespace, or kept internally
  • If assigned to public namespace any resource can be accessed from anywhere, so bypassing the dependency injection. Not necessarily recommended
  • Modules' namespaces match their path relative to the html file that loaded them.
  • Set path prefixes for common source trees
  • A module can assign its public api to a variable that was passed in, or return an object with its api, or assign it to this.
  • A module's factory can be a function, or any other objects such as object literals, strings, arrays, numbers
  • Bootstrap can be configured by editing its source file, assigning a config to a variable before executing bootstrap, or calling bootstrap with a config after it has executed
  • Any global variables created can have customized names.
  • Code is commented fairly extensively and is only 700 lines with comments, 7k minified
  • If you want to know what's happening set verbose level.
  • Set optional callbacks for when all resources have loaded, or for when the callbacks are about to be executed
  • Force a resource to be downloaded either as js, css or data


In file apath/myapp.js

define //this could be set module, or make or anything you want
	tag: 'foo',	//if more than one define in a file use the tag
	load: ['somelib'], //these files are not injected
	inject : ['apath/myapp', 'doodads/d1|', 'doodads/d2'], //these are
	factory: function(self, d1, d2)  { 
	 //use self, d1 and d2 in this closure
	 this.api = "hello";  //these three do the same thing
	 self.api = "hello";
	 return "hello"; //however, this one overrides the previous two

Try it

git clone
cd bootstrap
node server.js

Then open up localhost:9080 in your browser. You will see a test page with jasmine test results.


Default config:

 default_config = {
   //name of the global function that modularizes a file by defining other files to load and taking a callback that
   //definers the functionality of the module.
   globalHook : 'define',
   //-----global namespace
   //All objects created by the callbacks are added to the object 
   // So for instance if a module is defined in javascript/dir1/dir2/dir3/module1.js 
   // (relative to the html file that loaded bootstrap.js, this file)
   //,assuming global=window and namespace=module and pathPrefix=javascript
   //and path_substitution[myapp]='dir1/dir2' then the object created will be:
   //window.module.myapp.dir3.module1, which can be required with myapp.dir3.module1
   //if this variable is not defined at all objects assigned to an internal namespace
   globalNamespace : 'module',
   //-----global loadpathPrefix
   //load all files relative to this path
   pathPrefix : "javascript/",
   //a way to map namespaces to directories. This way you can refer to modules defined in 
   //separate rootfolders by prefixing the object name with its subsitution
   path_substitutions: {
 myapp : 'path/to/package.js'
   //First javascript file to load.
   mainjs: 'myapp',
   //whether to execute callbacks as soon as their dependencies are met, or to 
   //wait till all files are loaded
   executeOnDependenciesMet: true, //not implemented

   //-----head or body
   scriptInsertionLocation : 'head',
   //in seconds  
   timeOut : 1,
   //none, error, warn, info, debug 
   verbose : "debug",
   // callback that gets as an argument a function that executes all the callbacks.
  // useful to implement waiting for domready event for instance:
   // execute: function myExecute(f) {
   //   // Check for browser support of event handling capability
   //   if (window.addEventListener)
   //     window.addEventListener("load", f, false);
   //   else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", f);
   //   else window.onload = f;
   // },
   execute: native_execute,
   // Gets called when all files are loaded and all callbacks executed
   allDone : onFinished



Organise javascript code in modules with automatic dependency resolution a la require.js.






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