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AquaButton ⚓

GPLv3 license

AquaButton can play voices of Minato Aqua(湊あくあ) on your Android phone/tablet.

Inspired by zyzsdy/aqua-button (AquaButton Web). We created an Android version for more features and cooler user interface on mobile.

Also experimented with a lot of features of Material Design like sounds, animations and components.

If you want to make a different version for your favourite VTuber, read customize docs.


Download pre-built package

Download from GitHub Releases

In the future, we will publish to Google Play and Coolapk.

Build your own package

Build environment:

  • Android Studio 4.1 Canary 6+
  • Android SDK (Platform Q SDK, Build tools and etc.)
  • Java 8+

Build step:

  1. Use git clone clone repository to local
  2. Open project root directory, connect your Android devices and run ./gradlew installDebug


Watch on YouTube



We used voice assets from repository of zyzsdy/aqua-button (AquaButton Web).

You can read description in this repo about how to add or modify voice.

By the way, we also implemented other VTubers voice resources, you can read this docs to learn more.


Please help us translate into English and Japanese (or more languages!)

The language files for the main program are created in standard Android project structure. For example, Japanese translation is saved in app/src/main/res/values-ja/strings.xml.

The language files for voices are in zyzsdy/aqua-button (AquaButton Web).


Feel free to send issues and pull requests to this repository.


This project and GitHub organization is a work of enthusiasts and is not related to the hololive official.

Main program

GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007

Copyright (C) 2020 MinatoAquaCrew

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.


According to the Hololive secondary creation licence.

Design (Icons, logos, sounds and etc.)

Read README in /design