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###Usage (default settings shown)

  // Data
  data        : '', // data object: array, json or jquery object array

  // dataObject contains the date, image and comment names as seen in the data
  // (key names in JSON, or if the object is an array, use the index [0,1,2])
  // The data object order must always be: 'dates', 'image url' and 'comment'
  dataObject  : ['dates','image','comment'],

  // content added to the target element
  content     : '<img src="{url}" title="{comment}" alt="{url}"><p class="comment">{comment}</p>',

  // language options
  dayEndings  : 'st|nd|rd|th',                               // 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. (e.g. 1stMon & 3rdThu)
  dayLast     : 'last',                                      // last weekday/weekend of the month
  dayWeek     : ['sun','mon','tue','wed','thu','fri','sat'], // days of the week (case insensitive)
  monthFirst  : true,                                        // true: U.S. date format mm/dd/yy, if false: dd/mm/yy format applied

  // debugging options
  locked      : true,        // prevent debug mode onscreen output if true (debug setting from browser URL only).
  debug       : false,       // set debug mode.
  defaultDate : '12/25/2011' // date used if setting debug mode but no default date.

###Data Sources

Obtain data from HTML tags/attributes, array or JSON (inline or remote). Please refer to the demo source or my blog post for more detailed information on data source setup and targeting with the script


####Get & Set

// Get current image data 
// (e.g. 2 = third (zero based index) image from the total number of matching images) 
var current = $(image).data('todaysImage').currentImage(); // returns array ['dates','image url','comment']

// Get/Set current image from events within the date range
var current = $(image).data('todaysImage').currentImage(1); // returns array ['dates','image url','comment']


// Get the current number of the events that match the date range
var currentNumber = $(image).data('todaysImage').currentNumber();
// Show a random image from within the matching date range & returns array ['dates','image url','comment']
var current = $(image).data('todaysImage').randomImage();
// Show all images (added under current image)

###Change Log

####Version 1.1.2

  • Fixed a problem with events that cross a year (e.g. 12/31-1/5). It was improperly adding one to the year.
  • Found a problem when including an event that crosses a year boundry using full date strings (12/31/2011-1/5/2012).
    • The date is improperly parsed and does not work at all.
    • When I have time, I will just completely rewrite the date comparison code.

####Version 1.1.1

  • Updated to allow adding a specific date.
    • Previously, the year at the end of the date would be ignored since it assumed the event would be repeated yearly. Now any event with a specific year will only be shown during that year.
    • Set a single date: "1/18/2012".
    • Or a date range: "2/18/2012-2/19/2012".
  • Removed GPLv3 from plugin licenses. This plugin is now only under an MIT license.

####Version 1.1

  • Updated the plugin so it is now initialized on a container instead of the actual image.
  • Updated all demo pages:
    • HTML5 baby!
    • Debug mode can now easily be enabled.
    • Random image button added. The image is selected from the images that fall within the date range.
  • Added content option:
    • It contains the HTML and place holder strings which are replaced with the URL or comment associated with the image

      content : '<img src="{url}" title="{comment}" alt="{url}"><p class="comment">{comment}</p>'
    • {url} place holder is replaced with the image url.

    • {comment} place holder is replaced with the image comment.

    • This option replaces the comment option and removes the need for the noImageTitle option.

  • Added todays-image.css file which includes basic styling for the image container, image, comment and debugging content.
  • Removed comment and noImageTitle options. Replaced by content option.
  • Removed debugId and debugElement options as the debug content is now appended to the content.
  • Removed inRangeColor and notInRangeColor options because the styling is now done using css. See the todays-image.css file.

####Version 1.0

  • Initial Commit - added to Github

For more details, see my blog entry and view the demo source.


A jQuery plugin that will take a group of images with a set date range, and show a random image based on the current date.






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