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Aerie Mission Model Template

This repo provides an Aerie mission model template, which is meant as a starting point for building a new mission model in Aerie. Included in this repo is all the basic infrastructure required to generate a mission model .jar file.

Interested in learning how to develop a model yourself?

Check out the Aerie Mission Modeling Tutorial

Looking for some example models to play around with?

Try out the following models:


  • Install OpenJDK Temurin LTS. If you're on macOS, you can install brew instead and then use the following command to install JDK 19:

    brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
    brew install --cask temurin19

    Make sure you update your JAVA_HOME environment variable. For example with Zsh you can update your .zshrc with:

    export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-19.jdk/Contents/Home"
  • Set GITHUB_USER and GITHUB_TOKEN environment variables to your credentials (first you need to create a personal access token in your GitHub account that includes read-packages scope) so you can download the Aerie Maven packages from the GitHub Maven package registry.

    For example with Zsh you can update your .zshrc to set the variables with:

    export GITHUB_USER=""
    export GITHUB_TOKEN=""


To build a mission model JAR you can do:

./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies

This will create the file 'build/libs/missionmodel.jar, which you can upload to Aerie using the UI or API.


To run unit tests under ./src/test against your mission model you can do:

./gradlew test


This is a template project for starting an Aerie mission model.






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