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Docker Volume Plugin for NexentaStor

Build Status Go Report Card Conventional Commits

This is development repository, stable versions are published on DockerHub plugin page.

NexentaStor product page:

Supported versions

NexentaStor 5.1.2 NexentaStor 5.2.0 NexentaStor 5.2.1
Docker >=17.06 1.X.X 1.X.X 1.X.X


  • Create new volume
  • Use existing volume
  • NFS mount protocol


Following utilities must be installed on Docker setup for NFS mounts:

apt install -y nfs-common


  1. Create NexentaStor dataset for the volume plugin, example: spool01/dataset. Volume plugin will create filesystems in this dataset and mount them to use as Docker volumes.
  2. Create plugin configuration file: /etc/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin/config.yaml. Plugin configuration example:
    restIp:, # [required] NexentaStor REST API endpoint(s)
    username: admin                                     # [required] NexentaStor REST API username
    password: p@ssword                                  # [required] NexentaStor REST API password
    defaultDataset: spool01/dataset                     # [required] dataset to use ('pool/dataset')
    defaultDataIp:                          # [required] data IP or HA VIP
    #defaultMountOptions: noatime                       # mount options (mount -o ...)
    #debug: true                                        # more logs (true/false)
  3. Install volume plugin:
    docker plugin install nexenta/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin
  4. Enable volume plugin:
    docker plugin enable nexenta/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin

Volume plugin should be listed after installation:

$ docker plugin list
ID             NAME                                              DESCRIPTION                            ENABLED
b227326b403d   nexenta/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin:latest   Docker Volume Plugin for NexentaStor   true


All plugin configuration options:

Name Description Required Example
restIp NexentaStor REST API endpoint(s); , to separate cluster nodes yes
username NexentaStor REST API username yes admin
password NexentaStor REST API password yes p@ssword
defaultDataset parent dataset for plugin's filesystems ("pool/dataset") yes spool01/dataset
defaultDataIp NexentaStor data IP or HA VIP for mounting shares yes
defaultMountOptions NFS mount options: mount -o ...
(default: "")
no noatime,nosuid
debug print more logs (default: false) no true

Note: parameter restIp can point on a single NexentaStor appliance or on each of the nodes of HA cluster.


  • List all existing volumes. All NexentaStor filesystems under configured defaultDataset path will be already listed there as Docker volumes.
    docker volume list
  • Create Docker volume testvolume if NexentaStor filesystem doesn't exist:
    docker volume create -d nexenta/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin --name=testvolume
    Note: This operation will create a filesystem on NexentaStore in case it doesn't exist.
  • Run container which uses created volume testvolume:
    docker run -v testvolume:/data -it --rm ubuntu /bin/bash
    Note: This operation will share filesystem and mount it.
  • Remove Docker volume command doesn't remove any filesystem from NexentaStore and doesn't affect Docker volumes list.


# disable plugin
docker plugin disable nexenta/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin

# remove plugin
docker plugin remove nexenta/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin

Knows Issues

  • Creating volumes during NS HA failover might prevent the failover.


  • Plugin logs
    # log file
    tail -f /var/lib/docker/plugins/*/rootfs/var/log/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin.log
    # system journal
    journalctl -f -u docker.service
  • Check mounts exist on host
    mount | grep /var/lib/docker/plugins
  • Show installed plugins:
    docker plugin list


Commits should follow Conventional Commits Spec.


Build and push commands take Git branch as a plugin version to build.

# Set environment variable for any of these commands to over the version
# The default version for make commands is the current Git branch.
# VERSION=1.0.0 make ...

# Note: same operations work with "*-production" postfix.

# print variables and help

# build with development tag (default for `make` w/o params)
make build-development

# enable development version of plugin on local Docker setup
make enable-development

# disable and delete development version of plugin
make uninstall-development

# publish the latest built container to the local registry (see `Makefile`)
make push-development

# update deps
# go get -u
~/go/bin/dep ensure


# Test options:
# - TEST_DOCKER_IP= # Docker setup IP address to test on
# - NOCOLORS=true               # disable colors

# build plugin and push it to the local registry
make build-development
make push-development

# configure NS in `tests/e2e/_configs/single-ns.yaml`
# Note: Jenkins automatically appends TEST_NS_SINGLE env variable to this config file before run.

# run all tests using local Docker registry:
TEST_DOCKER_IP= make test-e2e-docker-development

# run all tests using local Docker registry (in container):
TEST_DOCKER_IP= make test-e2e-docker-development-container

# configure Docker to trust insecure registries:
# add `{"insecure-registries":[""]}` to:
vim /etc/docker/daemon.json
service docker restart


Send requests to the plugin:

# plugin container id can be found in `journalctl -f -u docker.service` output
curl -X POST \
    -d '{}' \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --unix-socket /run/docker/plugins/%ID%/nsdvp.sock \

# check built version
./plugin/rootfs/bin/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin --version


All development happens in master branch, when it's time to publish a new version, new git tag should be created.

  1. Build and test the new version using local registry:

    # build development version:
    make build-development
    # publish to local registry
    make push-development
    # run test commands
  2. To release a new version run command:

    VERSION=X.X.X make release

    This script does following:

    • generates new
    • builds plugin version 'nexenta/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin:X.X.X'
    • logs in to
    • publishes plugin version 'nexenta/nexentastor-docker-volume-plugin:X.X.X' to
    • creates git tag 'vX.X.X' and pushes it to the repository
    • asks to update 'latest' tag on, updates it if needed.

    Note: Release command does this, but latest tag can be built and pushed later manually if needed. This command takes the most recent built plugin (from local ./plugin folder) and pushes it as latest tag to

    make update-latest
  3. Update Github releases.

  4. Update Docker Hub description if needed.