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Presenter Service

Joshua Sangmeister edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 21 revisions

The presenter service is the counterpart of the action service: Instead of writing, data can be read. Just a few presenters are available for read-actions that cannot be done by the autoupdate. One example is getting the time of the server with the servertime presenter.


Exception PresenterException(message: string);

 * Executes some presenting function on the server. The term "presenting" means
 * a non writing (or modifying) idempotent request. There may be some
 * side-effect allowed (like tracking calls to one presenter), but the main
 * purpose is to get data of the server, which is not autoupdate-, projector-, or
 * icc-data.
 * @throws PresenterException This exception might be thrown, if there was an
 * server error (Http-500-equivalent). For user error (e.g. wrong data) use the
 * PresenterError interface.
handle_request(payload: Presenter[], user_id: Id): PresenterResult[]

 * This interface specifies what presenter is used with the payload for the call.
interface Presenter {
    presenter: string;
    data: any;

 * A presenter may return anything. This is presenter-specific. But if there was
 * an error (user error, not a PresenterException), the response for this
 * presenter should follow `PresenterError`.
 * TODO: Maybe we do not want to response an error but always throw an exception
 * instead.
type PresenterResult = any | PresenterError;

 * A common format for errors.
interface PresenterError {
    error: object;
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