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Copyright (c) 2017 Po Huit

There is a lot of confusion about how to calculate jam probabilities for EVE Online ECM modules. This program caculates single-cycle jam probabilities for any combination of ECM modules and drones.


Run python3 with appropriate arguments.

  • The --jam (-j) argument specifies a jam module or drone, including a repeat count for convenience. Multiple --jam arguments may be given. All jams are applied to a single target.

    The module or drone is specified in the format


    The count defaults to 1 if omitted.

    The H indicates that the jam should be overheated (overloaded).

    The base types are as follows:

    • D: A drone. The variant must be one of:

      • 3: EC-300
      • 6: EC-600
      • 9: EC-900
    • M: A multispectral jammer. The variant must be one of:

      • 1: T1
      • M: Meta 1
      • 2: T2
      • L: Legion
      • G: Dread Guristas
      • K: Kaikka's
      • T: Thon's
      • V: Vaipas' [sic]
      • E: Estamel's
    • R or X: a "matched" or "mismatched" racial jammer, respectively. The "matched" case (R) applies the jammer to a hull whose sensor type matches the jammer's; the "mismatched" case (X) applies the jammer to a hull of some other sensor type. The variant must be one of:

      • 1: T1
      • M: Meta 1
      • 2: T2
      • S: Storyline [named]
      • L: Legion
    • B: A Burst Jammer. These have a 30 second cycle time instead of 20, which is not taken into account here in any way. The variant must be one of:

      • 1: T1
      • M: Meta
      • 2: T2
      • G: 'Ghost'
      • S: Sentient
      • D: Unit D-34343's Modified
      • F: Unit F-435454's Modified
      • P: Unit P-343554's Modified
      • W: Unit W-634's Modified

    For example, if you have 1 matched racial meta jammer and 4 mismatched racial meta jammers fitted, say

    --j RM --j XMx4
  • The --resist (-r) argument specifies the sensor strength of the target hull. The default of 20 represents an "average" T1 Cruiser hull.

  • The --skill (-s) argument specifies the Signal Dispersion skill level of the pilot. Jammer effectiveness increases by 5% per level. The default of 5 is what a good pilot should have.

  • The --hull (-H — don't ask about the uppercase) argument specifies the hull bonus percentage (for example, 30 for 30%) for jammers. The default of 0 reflects an unbonused ship. Hull bonuses must be calculated manually: there's too many cases to be specified to make a programmatic calculation useful.

  • The --fitting (-f) argument specifies a rig or module that gives an ECM strength bonus. See the description of --jam for general syntax. Stacking penalties are applied.

    The base types are as follows:

    • S: A Signal Distortion Amplifier module. The variant must be one of:

      • 1: T1
      • i: Initiated [ugh lowercase]
      • I: Induced
      • C: Compulsive
      • H: 'Hypnos'
      • 2: T2
    • P: A Particle Dispersion Augmentor rig. The variant must be one of:

      • 1: T1
      • 2: T2

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why doesn't this tool also deal with ECM ranges?

A: Your fitting tool calculates the ranges great. There should be an option to provide percent-of-falloff for joint probability calculation, though.

Q: Why not just copy jam strengths from my fitting tool?

A: What a pain.

Q: What about implants?

A: As far as I know, there are not any that specifically affect ECM strength.

Q: Why is the syntax for specifying jams and fittings so gross?

A: It was designed for brevity and scripting rather than for readability. Patches welcome.

Q: Can you do pretty graphs?

A: Not yet. You can script something with a plotting tool if you want to make your own.


Props to PyFA and the EVE University wiki for making development and checking of this tool much, much easier.


This program is licensed under the "MIT License". Please see the file COPYING in the source distribution of this software for license terms.


EVE Online ECM probability calculator







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