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PriorArt edited this page Jul 13, 2016 · 1 revision

The mindgrid is the flat plane of the AiMind visualized as nerve fibers flowing logically if not physically in one direction from the oldest memory-engram-nodes to the newest memory-nodes being deposited at the advancing front of thinking and mentation. The DiaGram below shows the @Psy conceptual array and the @Ear auditory memory array, connected by associative tags expressed by numbers in software but visualized here as unseen fibers flowing at right angles from concept to concept or from sensory memory to concept and back again. Thus a grid or lattice results, which can be further visualized as containing a superstructure of linguistic SynTax for each natural language spoken and comprehended by the AiMind.

                       __________________________        ________
                      ///////////////////////////       /////////
                     /                         /       /       /
                    /  @Psy Conceptual Array  /       / @Ear  /
                   /                         /       / Array /
                  /+++BOYS +++PLAY +++GAMES /       /       /
                 / -       -       -       /       /       /
                /   -       -       -     /       /       /
               /     -       -       -   /       /       /
              /                         /       /       /
             /                         /       /       /
            /                         /       /       /
           /                         /       /       /
          /                         /       /       /
         /                         /       /       /
        /                         /       /       /
       /                         /       /       /
      /                          \      /       /
     /     Inhibition by          |    /       /   
    /      Negative Activation    |   /       /   
   /                              /  /       /
  /  ---I ---SEE ---BOYS         /  / YOU   /
 /  ---BOYS ---PLAY ---GAMES    /  / SEE   /
/________________________      /  / BOYS  /
\ Advancing Front of the \    /  /       /
 \  Neuronal Mindgrid     \  /  /       /
  \________________________\/  ///////// 

In the above Mind DiaGram the Perl Ghost AGI hears the input of "You see boys" and converts the word "You" to the ego-concept of "I" internally in the @Psy conceptual array. The input of the word "boys" associates to previous knowledge of the concept of "boys" and activates a memory that "Boys play games", which moves forward to become the output or response of the AGI to the user input. Both the input idea and the reentrant output idea are briefly inhibited with negative activation in a "trough" of inhibition as depicted above. Over time, the "trough" moves forward and the ideas held in the trough become available for associative recall.

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