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Releases: SEA-PHAGES/starterator

alpha version 1.1.1-alpha

20 Jul 20:26
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update to track binning. Tracks no longer require exact same start coordinate in order to be binned together in the PDF output. Now this requirement can be satisfied by just having the same start number called as the start. Other requirements for gaps and all other matching starts remain the same.

alpha version 1.1.0-alpha

15 Jul 21:39
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This is alpha code that creates a text document for uploading to PECAAN. File is untested, may not work. Please report any issues to the seaphages starterator forum.

beta release version v1.1.0-beta

15 Jul 21:37
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Bug fix and graphical updates.

Graphics updates include Green and Yellow gene start indicators to distinguish Annotated Starts (green) and Draft Annotations (Yellow).

Tracks have name of phage instead of Track number. If more than one phage is represented by track the name will append the number of other phage.

minor update to 1st major release

15 Jul 20:35
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Merge pull request #2 from cdshaffer/offby1_most_called_start

Offby1 most called start and most_not_called