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Eric Jackson edited this page Oct 12, 2017 · 1 revision

Appendix: Requirements

A reverse chronological summary of implemented issues. Although similar to a CHANGELOG, these include active issues in addition to completed issues.

This is an experiment. This list would become the graveyard of why things are implmented.


Common acronyms referenced in issues.

SES - SUSE Enterprise Storage

SE - Sales Engineer


Diagnose Salt or Ceph cluster

Trivially ping all addresses and summarize results

Salt api REST interface (cherrypy)

Intended to allow Graphical Interfaces to control DeepSea


Prevent the unintentional destruction of a cluster.

NFS ganesha for cephfs, rgw

Requested by SES users for traditional access.

Purge functionality

Allow developers, SEs to reset a DeepSea environment. Productivity boost.

Support for other distros

Three independent requests to support Ubuntu.