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MWS Restaurant Reviews

Restaurant Reviews project is a capstone project in the Mobile Web Specialist program provided by Udacity.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development.


You first need a copy of the code in your local machine, make sure to fork and clone, you can clone by running this command.

Create a directory where the app resides (name it whatever you'd like)

mkdir restaurant-app && cd restaurant-app

Clone the app

git clone

The mws-restaurant-stage-1/ app depends on some environment variables, make sure to change to the aforementioned directory and create a .env:

$ cd mws-restaurant-stage-1
$ touch .env

Open the file and fill it with these variables:

# mapbox api key (required)
# port to spin up the server (not required)
# the api secret (required)

☑️ You also need to have the local dev server from which your app receives data. You can check the dev server's docs for more information.


Install dependencies

To get up and running all you need to do is install the dependencies.

npm install

Note: Make sure you are inside the project directory.

Quick Start

To quickly generate the optimized assets and run server, run:

gulp build && npm run serve

More details in the following sections.

Run task runner

After that make sure to run Gulp in order to generate the needed assests (stylesheets, images, js, ...etc).

Run the build task to generate files for production

gulp build

Run the default task to generate files + live editing (with browser-sync):


Note: Browsersync is used with proxy, so make sure to spin up the server first.

Start server

Remember you need to be inside the mws-restaurant-stage-1/ directory.

npm run serve

Note: You can serve with http/2.

npm run serve -- --protocol=h2

But you first need to have a SSL cert, but you can just make a self-signed SSL cert. Follow this link to know how to make a self-signed cert and other details, or (unfortunately) the http/2 server won't work. Also, service worker will not register with a self-signed, if you want to do so check this stackover thread

Running the tests

No tests available.

Built With

Code Owners


No license.


  • Thanks to ALC and Udacity for giving us the chance to learn new things
  • Thanks to instructors and reviewers for being helpful and patient with us


Starter Code for the Udacity's "Mobile Web Specialist Restaurant Reviews App: Stage 1" Project






No releases published


No packages published

Contributors 4
