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Releases: Shadowfiend/sbt-resource-management

0.5.0: Gzip support, IAM roles

04 Sep 19:35
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With a big helping hand from @farmdawgnation, this release provides
two new pieces of functionality:

  • PR #28 makes the AWS credentials completely optional, and uses the
    AWS Java SDK so that IAM roles are properly supported when running
    a resource build.
  • PR #29 adds the property gzipResources, which, when set to true,
    gzips resources before sending them to S3 and marks the S3 object
    as having been gzipped so it's served as such.

Behind the scenes, things have been nicely refactored and some testing
around the core functionality is making an appearance.

0.4.2: Speed improvements and bug fixes

23 Feb 03:25
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Contributed mostly by @riveramj , this release involves two big tweaks:

  • By default, resources:compile-sass ran compass compile with the --force flag.
    This meant a slow, full compile. We now default the compile to a non-forced one, so
    compass should only compile the files that have changed. You can override this
    behavior by setting forceSassCompile := true; again, it is false by default.
  • Formerly, if three newlines appeared in a row, a new bundle was started with a blank
    name. Now, any string of blank newlines in a row will be interpreted as separation
    between bundles. So before, this:


Would produce a bundle with name “” that would try to include another bundle named
my-other-bundle as well as file3.js. It now correctly produces a bundle with name
“my-other-bundle” with the file file3.js in it.

0.4.1: Dependency fixes

21 Feb 16:11
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This release finally properly depends on YUI compressor (there is
finally a functional version out there to depend on). There are also
some updates to the README indicating the best way to depend on



19 Aug 21:15
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This release fixes an issue with using coffee or less with sub projects.

This is a similar fix to one made a while back for compass—essentially the processes
were being run in the present working directory, rather than the base directory of the
project that included sbt-resource-management. This caused the calculated relative
paths that were passed to the commands to fail to resolve, thus blocking compilation.


19 Aug 17:49
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This release does two things to accommodate more diverse deployment scenarios:

  • Allows not specifying the AWS settings if you don't use the deployment aspects of
    the plugin.
  • Hides the plugin's definition of webappResources so that you can use the
    xsbt-web-plugin key correctly to override any of sbt-resource-management's default

Because of the webappResources change, things may break, so this merited a pre-1.0
minor version bump.


19 Aug 15:43
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This release adds support for deploying certain bundles to different S3 buckets.

For more, see the section on Bundles and Compression.