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Shestak committed Oct 24, 2010
1 parent 8ac6cf2 commit 012ae1a
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Showing 11 changed files with 48 additions and 19 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ShestakUI/config/user_config.lua
Expand Up @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ if == "Черешок"
SettingsCF["misc"].vehicle_mouseover = true
SettingsCF["misc"].quest_auto_button = true
SettingsCF["misc"].raid_tools = true
SettingsCF["combattext"].treshold = 1000
SettingsCF["combattext"].heal_treshold = 1000
SettingsCF["combattext"].treshold = 500
SettingsCF["combattext"].heal_treshold = 500
SettingsCF["combattext"].crit_postfix = ""
SettingsCF["tooltip"].shift_modifer = true
SettingsCF["tooltip"].cursor = true
Expand Down
25 changes: 11 additions & 14 deletions ShestakUI/libs/oUF/oUF.lua
Expand Up @@ -86,24 +86,21 @@ local conv = {
local elements = {}

-- updating of "invalid" units.
local enableTargetUpdate = function(object)
-- updating of "invalid" units.
local OnTargetUpdate
local timer = 0
OnTargetUpdate = function(self, elapsed)
if(not self.unit) then
elseif(timer >= .5) then
timer = 0
local total = 0
object.onUpdateFrequency = object.onUpdateFrequency or .5

timer = timer + elapsed
object:SetScript('OnUpdate', function(self, elapsed)
if(not self.unit) then
elseif(total > self.onUpdateFrequency) then
total = 0

object:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnTargetUpdate)
total = total + elapsed

-- Events
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ShestakUI/locales/deDE.lua
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ if SettingsDB.client == "deDE" then
L_POPUP_INSTALLUI = "Dies ist Ihre erste Benutzung von ShestakUI mit diesem Charakter. Um das Interface zu konfigurieren, wird das UI nun neugeladen."
L_POPUP_RESETUI = "Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie die Einstellungen von ShestakUI zurückgesetzen wollen?"
L_POPUP_SWITCH_RAID = "Es sind 2 Raidlayouts aktiviert, bitte wählen Sie eines davon aus."
L_POPUP_DISBAND_RAID = "Are you sure you want to disband the group?" -- Needs review
L_POPUP_DISABLEUI = "ShestakUI funktioniert nicht mit deiner Auflösung, möchtest du ShestakUI ausschalten? (Drücke Abbrechen, falls du eine andere Auflösung testen willst)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_ALL = "Apply settings for all modifications? (DBM/DXE, Skada/Recount and MSBT)" -- Needs review
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_DBM = "Need to change the position of elements DBM." -- Needs review
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ShestakUI/locales/esES.lua
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ if SettingsDB.client == "esES" then
L_POPUP_INSTALLUI = "Es la primera vez que usas ShestakUI con este personaje. Usted debe volver a cargar la interfaz de usuario para configurarlo."
L_POPUP_RESETUI = "¿Estás seguro de que desea restablecer ShestakUI?"
L_POPUP_SWITCH_RAID = "Hay activos 2 estilos para banda, por favor selecciona uno."
L_POPUP_DISBAND_RAID = "Are you sure you want to disband the group?" -- Needs review
L_POPUP_DISABLEUI = "ShestakUI no funciona con esta resolución, ¿Quieres desactivar ShestakUI? (Pulsa cancelar si quieres probar otra resolución)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_ALL = "¿Aplicar modificaciones para todos los addons? (DBM/DXE, Skada/Recount o MSBT)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_DBM = "Necesito cambiar la posición de los elementos del DBM."
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ShestakUI/locales/esMX.lua
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ if SettingsDB.client == "esMX" then
L_POPUP_INSTALLUI = "Es la primera vez que usas ShestakUI con este personaje. Usted debe volver a cargar la interfaz de usuario para configurarlo."
L_POPUP_RESETUI = "¿Estás seguro de que desea restablecer ShestakUI?"
L_POPUP_SWITCH_RAID = "Hay activos 2 estilos para banda, por favor selecciona uno."
L_POPUP_DISBAND_RAID = "Are you sure you want to disband the group?" -- Needs review
L_POPUP_DISABLEUI = "ShestakUI no funciona con esta resolución, ¿Quieres desactivar ShestakUI? (Pulsa cancelar si quieres probar otra resolución)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_ALL = "¿Aplicar modificaciones para todos los addons? (DBM/DXE, Skada/Recount ó MSBT)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_DBM = "Necesito cambiar la posición de los elementos del DBM."
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ShestakUI/locales/frFR.lua
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ if SettingsDB.client == "frFR" then
L_POPUP_INSTALLUI = "Première utilisation de ShestakUI avec ce personnage. Vous devez recharger l'interface utilisateur pour le configurer."
L_POPUP_RESETUI = "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir réinitialiser ShestakUI ?"
L_POPUP_SWITCH_RAID = "2 modèles de raid sont activés, merci d'en choisir un."
L_POPUP_DISBAND_RAID = "Are you sure you want to disband the group?" -- Needs review
L_POPUP_DISABLEUI = "ShestakUI ne fonctionne pas avec cette résolution, voulez-vous désactiver ShestakUI ? (Annuler si vous souhaitez essayer une autre résolution)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_ALL = "Voulez-vous appliquer les modifications pour tout ?(DBM/DXE, Skada/Recount et MSBT)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_DBM = "Need to change the position of elements DBM." -- Needs review
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ShestakUI/locales/koKR.lua
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ if SettingsDB.client == "koKR" then
L_POPUP_INSTALLUI = "First time on ShestakUI with this Character. You must reload UI to configure it."
L_POPUP_RESETUI = "Are you sure you want to reset ShestakUI?"
L_POPUP_SWITCH_RAID = "2 raid layouts are active, please select a layout."
L_POPUP_DISBAND_RAID = "Are you sure you want to disband the group?" -- Needs review
L_POPUP_DISABLEUI = "ShestakUI doesn't work for this resolution, do you want to disable ShestakUI? (Cancel if you want to try another resolution)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_ALL = "Apply settings for all modifications? (DBM/DXE, Skada/Recount and MSBT)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_DBM = "Need to change the position of elements DBM."
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ShestakUI/locales/zhCN.lua
Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ if SettingsDB.client == "zhCN" then
L_POPUP_INSTALLUI = "该角色首次使用ShestakUI.你必须重新加载UI来配置."
L_POPUP_RESETUI = "你确定要重新加载ShestakUI?"
L_POPUP_SWITCH_RAID = "多个团队样式被加载,请选择一个样式."
L_POPUP_DISBAND_RAID = "Are you sure you want to disband the group?" -- Needs review
L_POPUP_DISABLEUI = "ShestakUI并不支援此分辨率, 你想要停用ShestakUI吗? (若果您想要尝试其他分辨率, 请按取消)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_ALL = "应用所有的插件设置? (DBM/DXE, Skada/Recount and MSBT)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_DBM = "Need to change the position of elements DBM." -- Needs review
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions ShestakUI/locales/zhTW.lua
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ if SettingsDB.client == "zhTW" then

-- Raid Utility
L_RAID_UTIL = "Raid Utility" -- Needs review
L_RAID_UTIL_DISBAND = "Disband Group" -- Needs review
L_RAID_UTIL = "團隊助手"

-- Zone name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ if SettingsDB.client == "zhTW" then
L_POPUP_INSTALLUI = "該角色首次使用ShestakUI.你必須重新加載UI來配置."
L_POPUP_RESETUI = "你確定要重新加載ShestakUI?"
L_POPUP_SWITCH_RAID = "多個團隊樣式被加載,請選擇一個樣式."
L_POPUP_DISBAND_RAID = "Are you sure you want to disband the group?" -- Needs review

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61115111 Oct 25, 2010


L_POPUP_DISBAND_RAID = "你確定要解散團隊?" Mania

L_POPUP_DISABLEUI = "ShestakUI並不支援此解析度, 你想要停用ShestakUI嗎? (若果您想要嘗試其他解析度, 請按取消)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_ALL = "應用所有的UI設置? (DBM/DXE, Skada/Recount and MSBT)"
L_POPUP_SETTINGS_DBM = "需要改變DBM描點及風格化元素。"
Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions ShestakUI/modules/temp.lua
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ BigBrotherOrder = 2
SkadaOrder = 3
RecountOrder = 4
OmenOrder = 5
DeadlyBossModOrder = 6
-- Toggles if the Open/Close button is hidden on mouseout
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ if AtlasOrder > 0 then Btns = Btns + 1 end
if RecountOrder > 0 then Btns = Btns + 1 end
if OmenOrder > 0 then Btns = Btns + 1 end
if BigBrotherOrder > 0 then Btns = Btns + 1 end
if DeadlyBossModOrder > 0 then Btns = Btns + 1 end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,4 +283,27 @@ ToggleButtons:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, addon)
---- DeadlyBossMod
if DeadlyBossModOrder > 0 then
local DeadlyBossModButton = CreateFrame("Frame", "DeadlyBossModButton", Menu)
CreateButton(DeadlyBossModButton, DeadlyBossModOrder)
if not IsAddOnLoaded("DBM-Core") then
DeadlyBossModButton.title:SetTextColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6)
DeadlyBossModButton.title:SetText("Deadly BossMod Disabled")
DeadlyBossModButton.title:SetText("Toggle Deadly BossMod")
DeadlyBossModButton:SetScript("OnEnter", function()
DeadlyBossModButton.title:SetTextColor(1, 1, 0.3)
DeadlyBossModButton:SetScript("OnLeave", function()
DeadlyBossModButton.title:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
DeadlyBossModButton:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function()
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShestakUI/scripts/raidutility.lua
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ local function CreateButton(name, parent, template, width, height, point, relati

-- Create button to toggle the frame
CreateButton("ShowButton", RaidUtilityPanel, "SecureHandlerClickTemplate", RaidUtilityPanel:GetWidth() / 2.5, SettingsDB.Scale(18), "TOP", UIParent, "TOP", -300, 2, L_RAID_UTIL, nil)
CreateButton("ShowButton", RaidUtilityPanel, "SecureHandlerClickTemplate", RaidUtilityPanel:GetWidth() / 1.5, SettingsDB.Scale(18), "TOP", UIParent, "TOP", -300, 2, L_RAID_UTIL, nil)
ShowButton:SetAttribute("_onclick", [=[
if select(5, self:GetPoint()) > 0 then
Expand Down

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