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RobertTheGrey edited this page Jan 12, 2013 · 1 revision

<global />

Declares a property that's available to all templates while rendering.

<global x="a" y="b" />

Results in C#:

object _x = a;
public object x {get {return _x;} set {_x = value;}}
object _y = b;
public object y {get {return _y;} set {_y = value;}}

Although object seems like an inconvenient type, it works quite well when used in simple value assignments like <set x="42"/> and expression output like ${x}.

with type=""

<global x="a" y="b" type="T"/>

Results in C#:

T _x = a;
public T x {get {return _x;} set {_x = value;}}
T _y = b;
public T y {get {return _y;} set {_y = value;}}