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Releases: TheJaredWilcurt/UGUI-Git-Branch-Deleter

Clubhouse API support

07 Aug 02:17
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This release allows you to connect directly to your account to see how long a "story" has been closed. This makes it easier to, for instance, delete all branches for tickets completed over 30 days ago.

Screenshot of Clubhouse settings modal, including an input field for an API token

Screenshot of the app with the days since completed for branches listed

v1.5.0 Better GUS support

24 May 15:29
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Improved the GUS support.

v1.4.0 Added GUS support

14 Feb 16:25
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Added support for GUS. Jira and GitHub support are still there too.

v1.3.0 Easier cross-platform usage

04 Dec 18:32
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Updated to UGUI 1.3.0 which gives us lots of new features, most notably the ability to check for updates and allow non-windows users to more easily run the app.

Packaged for Windows

29 Sep 15:13
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For Windows users I've zipped up UGUI: Git Branch Deleter so you can just download, unzip, and run it, no install or set up needed.

For those in OSX and Ubuntu, you can follow the instructions in the README.

Screenshot of UGUI: Git Branch Deleter