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Releases: UberPOV/UberPOV

UberPOV development build v1.37.1.1-alpha.8871946

14 Nov 14:58
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Note: This is a binary-only development release; to install, copy the binary into an existing POV-Ray 3.7 installation. (Make sure to backup the original binary first.)

These binaries require Windows Vista or higher, due to limitations of our automated build system. Please contact us on if you need Windows XP-compatible binaries of this particular version.

(Sorry for the scrambled package names.)

UberPOV development build v1.37.1.1-alpha.8767927+av5

01 Sep 20:18
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Note: This is a binary-only development release; to install, copy the binary into an existing POV-Ray 3.7 installation. (Make sure to backup the original binary first.)

The 64-bit binary may require Windows Vista or higher. To run this development release on an earlier 64-bit version of Windows, you may need to use the 32-bit SSE2 binary instead.

UberPOV development build v1.37.1.1-alpha.8756754+av4

25 Aug 02:04
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Note: This is a binary-only development release; to install, copy the binary into an existing POV-Ray 3.7 installation. (Make sure to backup the original binary first.)

The 64-bit binary may require Windows Vista or higher. To run this development release on an earlier 64-bit version of Windows, you may need to use the 32-bit SSE2 binary instead.

UberPOV v1.37.1.0-beta.10

09 Feb 18:43
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UberPOV v1.37.1.0-beta.9

31 Jan 08:42
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UberPOV v1.37.1.0-beta.8

29 Aug 00:02
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Note: The regular version ( is designed to be dropped into an existing official POV-Ray 3.7 installation, and share settings, sample scenes, include files etc. with it. The installer package contains a slightly modified version ( that is designed for stand-alone operation, and is therefore suited for systems where official POV-Ray 3.7 is not installed, or where the POV-Ray installation must not be interfered with in any way.

UberPOV v1.37.0.0-beta.7

26 Jul 07:45
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Note: The regular version ( is designed to be dropped into an existing official POV-Ray 3.7 installation, and share settings, sample scenes, include files etc. with it. The installer package contains a slightly modified version ( that is designed for stand-alone operation, and is therefore suited for systems where official POV-Ray 3.7 is not installed, or where the POV-Ray installation must not be interfered with in any way.

UberPOV v1.37.0.0-beta.6

24 Jul 03:49
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UberPOV v1.37.0.0-beta.5

28 May 19:59
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Merge branch 'release/v1.37.0.0-beta.5'

UberPOV v1.37.0.0-beta.4

18 Jan 18:19
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Merge branch 'release/v1.37.0.0-beta.4'