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Releases: Ullaakut/cameradar

Add new default credentials

20 Mar 10:02
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New default credentials

Fix curl dependency

05 Apr 14:11
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Multi route stream support

04 May 09:14
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  • Move issue template to .github and remove old changelog file
  • Reword error message when no stream is found
  • Remove unnecessary import alias

Bugfix & Dictionary Improvement

21 Jan 07:51
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  • Add routes and credentials for Besder IP cameras (#256)
  • Remove spam from curl verbose mode (#257)

Fix digest authentication

17 Jan 08:27
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  • Digest authentication is fixed by using an older curl version (#252)

Bugfixes & small improvements

02 Dec 08:03
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v4.1.1 (2019-11-30)

All Commits


  • [binary,enhancement,library] Add scan interval option (#245 by Ullaakut)
  • [enhancement] Update dictionaries & dependencies for dictionary fetch tool (#240 by Ullaakut)

Bug fixes:


Multiple auth type support

26 May 06:35
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Improvements and features

  • Cameradar can now access cameras with both basic and digest authentication methods
    • Previously, only basic auth was supported due to 90% of cameras using it over digest
  • A tool to automatically update the route dictionary has been added to the repository
  • The Cameradar API is now much simpler to use (#209)
  • UX has been improved
    • Spinner removed (#211)
    • Better logs using disgo
    • Two new verbosity levels: debug being the default and verbose showing extra logs for each curl request
  • Unit tests are now consistent (#210)
  • End to end tests in CI are now more reliable
    • Added custom routes
    • Added a second camera
    • Added two authentication methods in tests

Removed unmaintained documentation

  • Contributing guide has been removed. It was very outdated and considering the low amount of contributions at the moment (🙁) I don't think it's worth the maintenance cost
  • Documentation of the library in the readme was removed in favor of godoc. AFAIK no one uses cameradar as a library at the moment so I don't think it was necessary for it to be such a focus of the readme file.

Cameradar API

In the 3.0.0 version, the API of the cameradar API forces you to:

  • Initialize, manipulate and clean a curl handle
  • Call 5 or 6 functions from the library, with 4 to 6 arguments each, to perform a complete scan and attack process
  • Print your own summary of the attack

In the 4.0.0 version, instead, you create a cameradar.Scanner, pass it the options you want, and then simply call Scan, Attack and PrintStreams on it. It is much more intuitive, clean and simple. The logic of the order in which to attack and many other things were moved from the client side to the API side.

User Experience

Screenshot 2019-05-25 at 4 11 07 PM

The new interface is cleaner, provides a better picture of what is going on during the attack process and keeps the same attack summary as the previous interface has.

Its debug and verbose mode are significantly more readable than the previous --log mode.


Thanks to @rikosintie for his issue about digest authentication (#199)

Update disgo dependency

06 Apr 10:57
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Update to disgo 0.3.0

v3.0.1 Custom dictionary fix

24 Jan 08:45
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  • Fixes a bug where the CAMERADAR_CUSTOM_CREDENTIALS and CAMERADAR_CUSTOM_ROUTES environment variables were no longer used, in favor of CAMERADAR_CUSTOM-CREDENTIALS and CAMERADAR_CUSTOM-ROUTES because of a regression introduced in v3.0.0. (#189)
  • Fixes a bug where it was impossible to override the default dictionaries using the docker image. (#189)


22 Jan 20:18
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  • The cameradar library is now more intuitive and easier to use by removing useless arguments from the Discover method
  • Added more routes and credentials to the dictionaries #185
  • Cameradar scans one more port by default (5554) #186
  • Cameradar uses nmap to improve error handling, make cameradar faster and easier to read #187
  • Removed legacy code #187
  • Finally reached 100% test coverage by completely mocking nmap #187


This wasn't originally supposed to trigger a major release, but due to the refactors that became obvious once the old implementation of the discovery was improved, I had to make a few breaking changes to the cameradar library.

I don't think any developers use it, so I guess it isn't a big deal, but just in case, I'll bump up the major version.