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Step 5: Authentication
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Dotan Simha authored and DAB0mB committed Feb 26, 2017
1 parent 3d11e9a commit 216087e
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Showing 2 changed files with 1,368 additions and 0 deletions.
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions manuals/templates/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
## Meteor Accounts (Server Side)

In this step we will authenticate and identify users in our app.

Before we go ahead and start extending our app, we will add a few packages which will make our lives a bit less complex when it comes to authentication and users management.

First we will update our Meteor server and add few Meteor packages called `accounts-base` and `accounts-phone` which will give us the ability to verify a user using an SMS code, so run the following inside `api` directory:

api$ meteor add accounts-base
api$ meteor add npm-bcrypt
api$ meteor add mys:accounts-phone

For the sake of debugging we gonna write an authentication settings file (`api/private/settings.json`) which might make our life easier, but once your'e in production mode you *shouldn't* use this configuration:

{{{diff_step 5.2}}}

Now anytime we run our app we should provide it with a `settings.json`:

$ meteor run --settings private/settings.json

To make it simpler we can add `start` script to `package.json`:

{{{diff_step 5.3}}}

> *NOTE*: If you would like to test the verification with a real phone number, `accounts-phone` provides an easy access for [twilio's API](, for more information see [accounts-phone's repo](

We will now apply the settings file we've just created so it can actually take effect:

{{{diff_step 5.4}}}

## Meteor Accounts (Client Side)

Second, we will update the client, and add the corresponding authentication packages to it as well:

$ npm install --save accounts-base-client-side
$ npm install --save accounts-phone

Let's import these packages in the app's main component so they can be a part of our bundle:

{{{diff_step 5.5}}}

Install the necessary typings:

$ npm install --save @types/meteor-accounts-phone

And import them:

{{{diff_step 5.6 files="src/declarations.d.ts"}}}

## UI

For authentication we gonna create the following flow in our app:

- login - The initial page. Ask for the user's phone number.
- verification - Verify a user's phone number by an SMS authentication.
- profile - Ask a user to pickup its name. Afterwards he will be promoted to the tabs page.

Before we implement these pages, we need to identify if a user is currently logged in. If so, he will be automatically promoted to the chats view, if not, he is gonna be promoted to the login view and enter a phone number.

Let's apply this feature to our app's entry script:

{{{diff_step 5.8}}}

Great, now that we're set, let's start implementing the views we mentioned earlier.

Let's start by creating the `LoginComponent`. In this component we will request an SMS verification right after a phone number has been entered:

{{{diff_step 5.9}}}

The `onInputKeypress` handler is used to detect key press events. Once we press the login button, the `login` method is called and shows and alert dialog to confirm the action (See [reference]( If an error has occurred, the `handlerError` method is called and shows an alert dialog with the received error. If everything went as expected the `handleLogin` method is called. It requests for an SMS verification using `Accounts.requestPhoneVerification`, and promotes us to the verification view.

Hopefully that the component's logic is clear now, let's move to the template:

{{{diff_step 5.10}}}

And add some style into it:

{{{diff_step 5.11}}}

As usual, newly created components should be imported in the app's module:

{{{diff_step 5.12}}}

Now let's add the ability to identify which page should be loaded - the chats page or the login page:

{{{diff_step 5.13}}}

Let's proceed and implement the verification page. We will start by creating its component, called `VerificationComponent`:

{{{diff_step 5.14}}}

Logic is pretty much the same as in the login component. When verification succeeds we redirect the user to the `ProfileComponent`. Let's add the view template and the stylesheet:

{{{diff_step 5.15}}}

{{{diff_step 5.16}}}

And add it to the NgModule:

{{{diff_step 5.17}}}

And now that we have the `VerificationComponent` we can use it inside the `LoginComponent`:

{{{diff_step 5.18}}}

Last step of our authentication pattern is to pickup a name. We will create a `Profile` interface so the compiler can recognize profile-data structures:

{{{diff_step 5.19}}}

And let's create the `ProfileComponent`:

{{{diff_step 5.20}}}

The logic is simple. We call the `updateProfile` method and redirect the user to the `TabsPage` if the action succeeded. The `updateProfile` method should look like so:

{{{diff_step 5.21}}}

If you'll take a look at the constructor's logic of the `ProfileComponent` we set the default profile picture to be one of ionicon's svgs. We need to make sure there is an access point available through the network to that asset. If we'd like to serve files as-is we simply gonna add them to the `www` dir. But first we'll need to update our `.gitignore` file to contain the upcoming changes:

{{{diff_step 5.22}}}

And now that git can recognize our changes, let's add a symlink to `ionicons` in the `www` dir:

www$ ln -s ../node_modules/ionicons

Now we can implement the view and the stylesheet:

{{{diff_step 5.24}}}

{{{diff_step 5.25}}}

Import our newly created component:

{{{diff_step 5.26}}}

And use it in the `VerificationComponent`:

{{{diff_step 5.27}}}

Our authentication flow is complete! However there are some few adjustments we need to make before we proceed to the next step. For the messaging system, each message should have an owner. If a user is logged-in a message document should be inserted with an additional `senderId` field:

{{{diff_step 5.28}}}

{{{diff_step 5.29}}}

We can determine message ownership inside the component:

{{{diff_step 5.30}}}

Now we're going to add the abilities to log-out and edit our profile as well, which are going to be presented to us using a popover. Let's show a [popover]( any time we press on the options icon in the top right corner of the chats view.

A popover, just like a page in our app, consists of a component, view, and style:

{{{diff_step 5.31}}}

{{{diff_step 5.32}}}

{{{diff_step 5.33}}}

{{{diff_step 5.34}}}

Now let's use it inside the `ChatsPage`:

{{{diff_step 5.35}}}

And let's add an event handler in the view which will show the popover:

{{{diff_step 5.36}}}

As for now, once you click on the options icon in the chats view, the popover should appear in the middle of the screen. To fix it, we simply gonna edit the `scss` file of the chats page:

{{{diff_step 5.37}}}

{{{nav_step prev_ref="" next_ref=""}}}

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