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Releases: VCCE/VCC

VCC 2.1.0a

05 Sep 18:45
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Thanks to a couple of members of the Coco Community, we have now resolved the permissions issue with the "VCC.ini" file and it has been moved to the user's "appdata" folder where it can be altered without administrator's privilages.
Also, the "Force Aspect" item in the "Config/Display" menu now works... HOWEVER, it does not work in full screen mode (this is being worked on). You must activate (check) "Allow Resize" and "Force Aspect" then you can drag the edges of VCC to the desired size and it will maintain the proper Coco size aspect. This also works with Windows screen "Maximize"
I have also updated the VCC manual to reflect these changes and have tried to correct all version # conflicts :-)

VCC 2.0.1f

27 Aug 10:33
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Artifact colors are (hopefully) now improved. No new bug fixes

VCC 2.0.1e

24 Dec 13:09
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Reverted the "exit bug" fix from the last release as it caused VCC to hang when going to Full Screen.

VCC 2.0.1d

23 Dec 20:17
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Added "*.ccc" to the program pak extensions
Fixed a possible shutdown bug when using VCC in Wine under Linux
Removed the "Use keyboard LEDs as Drive indicators" checkbox in "cartridge/fd502 config" (wasn't working anyway)
Fixed missing foreign and special characters 128-159 in 40 & 80 column hardware text fonts
Fixed the missing and incorrect hd6309 instructions (hopefully)
Removed non-functional Tandy Hires & CocoMax Hires adapter checkboxes in "config/joysticks"
Updated the "About" box under the "Help" menu to include those who have worked on VCC
Made several "cosmetic" changes to some of the dialog boxes

v2.0.1c: Delete VCC.DB.db

13 Dec 06:08
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VCC version 2.0.1c.
Fixed the HD6309 unfinished and missing instructions.
Also a few minor cosmetic changes.


13 Dec 06:17
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This release of VCC includes the "Becker Port" cart from which you can access the DriveWire4 file server on the host PC (and others through the network)

v2.0.1b-final: Merge pull request #35 from Wersley/master

13 Dec 06:18
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v2.0.1b-beta: Merge pull request #5 from ursine/patch-1

13 Dec 06:19
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13 Dec 06:19
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