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Releases: VR-25/fbind

v2021.12.7: v2021.12.6 (202112060)

07 Dec 13:16
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- Added TOC to readme;
- General optimizations;
- Improved Android 11+ support.

v2021.12.6 (202112060)

06 Dec 16:56
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- Added TOC to readme;
- General optimizations;
- Improved Android 11+ support.

v2021.12.2.1 (202112021)

02 Dec 18:24
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- Auto-mount hotfix

v2021.12.2 (202112020)

02 Dec 05:50
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- Enhanced flashable zip generator;
- Implemented `losetup` wrapper for greater compatibility;
- Improved partition and image file mount logics;
- Preliminary work on the _appdata_ binding wizard;
- Reordered emulated storage prefix fallbacks to cover another Android 11+ quirk.

**v2021.11.22-beta (202111220)**

22 Nov 15:01
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- `-t|--test-prefixes`: test internal storage prefixes (views) and automatically update the config.
- Changed the priorities of emulated storage views to better accommodate Android 11+.
- General optimizations

**v2021.11.17-beta (202111170)**

17 Nov 18:11
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- Enhanced storage paths fallbacks logic
- `fbind -v|--version` prints version code (integer)
- Fixed auto-mount
- Full Android 11 support (XDA Recognized Contributor, @jimbo77 tirelessly tested fbind on Android 11, kernel 5.4. Worship this man and get him drunk!)
- General fixes & optimizations
- Increased loop timeout to 5 minutes to accommodate long boot times
- Updated documentation

**v2021.11.15-beta (202111150)**

15 Nov 15:57
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- Added several fallback paths for intsd and extsd for greater out of the box experience
- Enhanced unmount function
- Fixed: fbind hangs when sdcard is unavailable
- General fixes & optimizations
- More Android 11+ specific changes; already working at least on a handful of Android 11 devices
- [Wizard] Rename existing destination directories instead of removing them

**v2021.11.14-beta (202111140)**

14 Nov 15:04
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- `bindfs` binaries (ARM, ARM64, X86 and X86_64) are included and prioritized over `mount -o bind`
- Fixed `umount` issues
- General enhancements
- Updated flashable zip generator

**v2021.11.13-beta (202111130)**

13 Nov 07:41
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- Ability to specify the emulated storage path prefix to use (details in readme > config syntax)
- Android 11 testing kit in the flashable zip
- General enhancements

**v2021.11.11-beta (202111110)**

11 Nov 06:22
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- Experimental support for recent Android versions
- General fixes
- Major optimizations