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A hybrid strategy for assembly of genomic DNA shotgun sequencing reads.


Install samtools

Install samtools with a package mananger like brew or apt-get. Alternately, build samtools with source from htslib. Put samtools on your PATH and run 'samtools' as a test.

Install bowtie2

Install bowtie2 with a package manager like brew or apt-get. Alternately, build bowtie2 from source or install binaries from Source Forge.

Install ECtools

Install ECtools from github.

Install Celera Assembler

ALPACA requires Celera Assembler 8.3 or later. It is recommended to build Celera Assembler from source. (Why? The pre-built binaries CA_8.3rc1 and CA8.3rc2 will work for any large data set. They will fail on tiny data sets such as the ALPACA examples. The CA source code main branch includes a patched buildPosMap. The patched source is also provided with ALPACA merely for documentation. End of why.) To build CA from source, use scripts/ (after modifying the path to your C++ compiler and library). Or, to build CA from source, follow instructions for CA_check_out_and_compile. Add the Celera Assembler binaries directory to your PATH. Try running 'gatekeeper' to test whether the program is on your path. The Celera Assembler binaries get installed to //bin where HOME is the top level directory that contains src and kmer and ENV describes your environment (e.g. Linux_x86_64). Not all Celera Assembler dependencies get tested during installation. For example, requires the Statistics::Descriptive perl module. If run without this, CA fails silently after logging the following error.

Can't locate Statistics/ in @INC (you may need to install the Statistics::Descriptive module)

Install ALPACA

Create a local copy of the ALPACA source. This command creates and populates the ALPACA direcdtory.

git clone alpaca


The ALPACA/example_data contains a small test set. The file yeast.reference.fasta contains a single sequence representing the finished chromosome. The file contains two sequences representing a guide assembly with two scaffolds. The guide assembly could have been generated, for example, with ALLPATHS-LG from Illumina reads. The commands below run the test in the directory that contains ALPACA. The first step creates a FASTQ file of corrected long reads sampled from the given FASTA. The second step runs ALPACA with the corrected long reads and mates sampled from the given FASTA.

Test 0

Run the scripted test called scripts/ (after editing the script to adjust any paths).

Test 1

Generate long reads from the one-chromosome reference. Expect one contig. Generate mates from the two-scaffold reference. Expect one scaffold, identical to the contig.

mkdir TEST
../ALPACA/scripts/ ../ALPACA/example_data/yeast.reference.fasta yeast
../ALPACA/scripts/ ../ALPACA/example_data/ yeast.s.fastq

Test 2

Generate long reads from the two-scaffold assembly. Expect two contigs. Generate mates from the one-chromosome reference. Expect one scaffold that joins the two contigs.

mkdir TEST
../ALPACA/scripts/ ../ALPACA/example_data/yeast.reference.fasta yeast
../ALPACA/scripts/ ../ALPACA/example_data/ yeast.s.fastq


A hybrid strategy for assembly of genomic DNA shotgun sequencing reads.







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