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Raitis Sevelis edited this page Aug 17, 2017 · 4 revisions


Visual Composer Starter theme is a GPL product created by Visual Composer team and can be contributed by anyone who has knowledge, experience, and most importantly, will to build a better WordPress.

Do you have the official website?

The official "home" of Visual Composer Starter theme is where you can find all relevant information and set of features.

Can I address issues?

Yes, remember that Visual Composer Starter theme is a GPL product and everyone is free to contribute. Feel free to address issues or propose "pull" requests.

Are there any validation processes in place?

We rely heavily on WordPress codex and WordPress code standards. We have Travis CI in place and every commit will run through the automated validation. You can follow current build status here

Where can we communicate?

You are free to communicate within issues, but also join #starter-theme for additional requests, comments, and discussions.

Ideas for improvements?

Feel free to join #starter-theme to communicate on how to make it better