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VoxSim is a semantically-informed event simulation engine created by the Brandeis University Lab for Language and Computation (Department of Computer Science) and the Colorado State University Situated Grounding and Natural Language Lab, for creating custom intelligent agent behaviors. This work was funded by the DARPA Communicating with Computers (CwC) program, and further research is being funded by the NSF.

Quick Start

There is a forkable "Quick Start" repository at: Clone this repo and then install VoxSim using one of the two methods below:

Installing VoxSim

To install VoxSim in the VoxWorld-QS (or any other) project:

Latest Stable Package

Download the required VoxSim assets as a package here, and extract the Unity package from the zip file. In Unity, delete the file that is in the Plugins folder titled VoxSimPlatform. Import the downloaded Unity package. Everything should appear in the Plugins folder.

Open manifest.json (path is VoxWorld-QS/Packages/manifest.json) and add "com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json": "2.0.0" to the end of the list in this file.

Bleeding-edge Version

The trouble with bleeding-edge versions is that you can bleed a lot. If you feel brave, follow the instructions under "Add VoxSim as a submodule in your own Unity project" below.

Optional Assets

Some additional artwork (models, textures) is available here. Please note that this is provided without support or guarantees.

API Documentation

Currently in progress

Add VoxSim as a submodule in your own Unity project:

$ mkdir submodules
$ cd submodules
$ git submodule add VoxSim
$ cd ../Assets/Plugins

If on Mac or *nix:

$ ln -s ../../submodules/VoxSim/Assets/VoxSimPlatform VoxSimPlatform\

If on Windows:
Run cmd and cd to the main directory of your VoxSim-based implementation (parallel to Assets). Run the following commands:

@setlocal enableextensions\
@cd /d "%~dp0"\
rmdir Assets\Plugins\VoxSimPlatform & del /Q Assets\Plugins\VoxSimPlatform & mklink /D Assets\Plugins\VoxSimPlatform ..\\..\submodules\VoxSim\Assets\VoxSimPlatform


$ git submodule foreach git pull

Keep your Unity project up to date with VoxSim

$ git add submodules/VoxSim
$ git commit -m "New commits in VoxSim"
$ git push origin <myBranch>