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To-do List
- red icons are an eye sore
- create new playlist
- remove song
- add song 
combine music recommendations from to help users to dsicover new music

- when adding song to new playlist, retrieve that new songs data and update show_playlists()

Features Implmented/Deploy Checklist
- samples playlists
- user's playlists
	- replay

be able to exmplore other peoples playlists and add their playlists to mine

add to playlist button missing form when logged in	
add delete button to bottom of video as well in case video is all the way at bottom

- seperate ui from logic

- figure out how to add, delete playlists with Youtube API
	- how to add, delete songs to playlists

- display search results

- vekii delete = youtube delete, no need for your database anymore?

- retrieve partial feeds, to conserve resources
- refactor retrieve_playlists.js, very ugly
- add to functionality
- create guest playlists, not yours
- auto-select higher quality videos/sound
- random playlist function
- ability to play queue playlists

- acquire users and feedback

include title of song‏
make turn tablefm but with music videos

be able to exactly listen what other people are listening to in real time‏
turn table but for youtube music videos

need to refactoring
- how to seperate vekii js files?


cool visualization chart
when you see how one videos links to other recommendations
so like instead of a social graph have a recommended videos graph

what differentiates vekii from youtube?
it's the social network stupid
youtube meets twitter or facebook or github
be able to copy a playlist but have like a filter option,
a chance to eliminate songs from the playlist you don't like
so just have like a new link next to the video (havn't listened)
apply the new to recommendations as well

or should it just be a recommended option like
connect to
some kind of API

should i get recommendations then go through that recommendations
or should i get choose where to get recommendations from
how do we normally listen to music?
do we need to interact socially when listening to music?
wait, it's kind of like that startup where you have DJ's streaming music

add a news about the site panel
add a feedback method
0 olark?

start trying to get beta users

- why is the music playlist missing?

have the image stretch to the size of the playlist box
copy box styles of youtube
revense engineer their solution
need to be able to get more than 50 playlists (extreme case)

	- recommendations
		- add recommendations to playlists
	- subscriptions
	- grab playlist from database
	- below the video player is for comments
	- playlists
		- create new
		- rename
	- after clicking play on a song, the page auto scrolls to the video player
		Iteration 2.0
			- show playlists as well in search-results
			- after clicking a playlist, it shows a recommended playlist
				- have a follower and people following you count
				- be able to follow other people's playlists
				- when someone follows your playlists, be notified
					- make an notifications section
	- organize playlists by views in subsriptions so only see the popular ones
	- delete recommended video functionality
	- load recommended videos for a recommended video
	- search
		- implement instant search
	Important: When verifying a token, it is critical to ensure the audience field in the response exactly matches your client_id registered in the APIs Console. This is the mitigation for the confused deputy issue, and it is absolutely vital to perform this step.
		- login, signout
	- hide access token redirect
	- If the user refused to grant access to your application, Google will have included the access_denied error message in the
	hash fragment of the redirect_uri: http://localhost/oauth2callback#error=access_denied

- get the song's name and its x in the same row
- remove the line below the tabs
- settings button needs to be adjusted

are you going to store data on rails-backend?
- best to use youtube as data storage, less work to do
		two options:
		- use youtube to store playlist
			- make users wait for the ajax call
		- use your backend to store playlist
					- don't sync = music playlist curated on your site
	- but you'll need to use your own storage when you own your own aspects e.g. social networking
	a delectable combo of jquery, jqury rails, backbone.js and rails to create a RIA music video player for youtube
discover mode
// features where it simply looks at your recommends and plays them from your library base
// when you simply want to dsicover new music

// tabs
library & discover

git for music
clone playlists
push and pull playlists to augment playlists
public playlists

if user hasn't logged in, can see music player with your playlists


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