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de-cruft matrix.pir
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Whiteknight committed Dec 8, 2009
1 parent 795fee6 commit 6cc9c51
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 245 deletions.
245 changes: 0 additions & 245 deletions src/internals/matrix.pir
Expand Up @@ -37,218 +37,6 @@ throw an error that no strings are found.

=item !get_matrix_dimensions

Return the number of dimensions of the matrix. Probably 1 or 2


.sub '!get_matrix_dimensions'
.param pmc m
$S0 = typeof m
if $S0 == 'NumMatrix2D' goto _its_a_matrix
#NumMatrix2D is always 2D. Other types will be other things

=item !get_matrix_sizes

Return the sizes of the matrix along each dimension, in an RIA.


.sub '!get_matrix_sizes'
.param pmc m

$P0 = new 'ResizableIntegerArray'
$S0 = typeof m
if $S0 == 'NumMatrix2D' goto _its_a_matrix

$P1 = getattribute m, "X"
$P2 = getattribute m, "Y"
$P0[0] = $P1
$P0[1] = $P2

=item !build_matrix()

Construct a matrix from a list of elements


.sub '!build_matrix'
.param int x
.param int y
.param pmc fields :slurpy
$P0 = new ['NumMatrix2D']
$P0.'initialize_from_array'(x, y, fields)

=item !add_cols_zero_pad

Adds n columns to the end of a matrix


.sub '!add_cols_zero_pad'
.param pmc matrix
.param int cols
$P0 = getattribute matrix, "X"
$I0 = $P0
$I0 = $I0 + cols
$P0 = getattribute matrix, "Y"
$I1 = $P0
matrix.'resize'($I0, $I1)

=item !add_rows_zero_pad

Adds n rows to the bottom of a matrix


.sub '!add_rows_zero_pad'
.param pmc matrix
.param int rows
$P0 = getattribute matrix, "X"
$I0 = $P0
$P0 = getattribute matrix, "Y"
$I1 = $P0
$I1 = $I1 + rows
matrix.'resize'($I0, $I1)

=item !array_col_force_strings(PMC m)

Force all rows in matrix m to become String PMCs


.sub '!array_col_force_strings'
.param pmc m
.local pmc myiter
.local pmc newarray
newarray = new 'ResizablePMCArray'

$S0 = typeof m
if $S0 == 'NumMatrix2D' goto _its_a_matrix

# Not a matrix, some other aggregate
myiter = iter m
unless myiter goto loop_bottom
$P0 = shift myiter
$S0 = typeof $P0
if $S0 == 'String' goto push_string_pmc
$S0 = $P0
$P0 = box $S0
push newarray, $P0
goto loop_top

#it's a matrix
.local int x_size
.local int y_size
$P0 = getattribute m, "Y"
x_size = $P0
$I0 = x_size
$P0 = getattribute m, "X"
y_size = $P0
y_size = y_size - 1
$I0 = $I0 - 1
if $I0 == -1 goto matrix_loop_bottom
$P0 = m.'get_block'(0, $I0, x_size, 1)
$S0 = $P0
$P1 = box $S0
newarray[$I0] = $P1
goto matrix_loop_top

=item !distribute_matrix_op(PMC a, PMC b, PMC op)

Distributes operator op over each element of the two arrays a and b. Returns
a matrix that is the same size as a and b. This is used to implement most
normal operators. op can be either the String name of the operation, or a Sub

Can only dispatch over an internal function, not a builtin or a library routine.


.sub '!distribute_matrix_op'
.param pmc a
.param pmc b
.param pmc op

# Check that we have operands of the same size.
$P0 = '!get_matrix_sizes'(a)
$P1 = '!get_matrix_sizes'(b)
if $P0 != $P1 goto bad_operand_sizes

.local pmc sub
$S0 = typeof op

# If it's a sub, we're done. If it's a string, look it up. Otherwise, error
if $S0 == "Sub" goto has_sub
unless $S0 == 'String' goto bad_op_type
$S0 = op
sub = find_name $S0

# If the result is undefined, error. If it's not a Sub, error
$I0 = defined sub
unless $I0 goto bad_op_name
$S0 = typeof sub
unless $S0 == 'Sub' goto bad_op_type
op = sub

# At this point, op should contain a Sub PMC.
.tailcall '!distribute_binary_operation'(a, b, op)
_error_all("operands a and b are different sizes")
_error_all("Can't find sub named ", op)
_error_all("Unknown op type: ", $S0)

.sub '!distribute_binary_operation'
.param pmc a
.param pmc b
.param pmc sub
.const "Sub" handler = '!distribute_op_handler'
$P0 = a.'iterate_function_external'(handler, b, sub)

.sub '!distribute_op_handler'
.param pmc matrix_a
.param num value_a
.param int x
.param int y
.param pmc matrix_b
.param pmc op
.local num value_b
.local num result

value_b = matrix_b[x;y]
result = op(value_a, value_b)

=item !get_for_loop_iteration_array

Get an object suitable for use with an iterative "for" loop.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,39 +78,6 @@ matrix and put them into an array for iteration.

=item !matrices_are_same_size

Verifies that all matrices passed are the same size


.sub '!matrices_are_same_size'
.param pmc first
.param pmc rest :slurpy
.local int x
.local int y
.local pmc myiter
$P1 = getattribute first, "X"
x = $P1
$P2 = getattribute first, "Y"
y = $P2
myiter = iter rest
unless myiter goto loop_bottom
$P0 = shift myiter
$P1 = getattribute $P0, "X"
$I1 = $P1
if x != $I1 goto sizes_not_equal
$P2 = getattribute $P0, "Y"
$I2 = $P2
if y != $I2 goto sizes_not_equal
goto loop_top


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