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Billogram v2 API for Java Build Status

Library for connecting to the Billogram v2 HTTP API.


Currently only provides access to Billogram, Customer, Reports and Items, ie. Settings and Logotype are NOT implemented, but should be trivial if anybody needs it.

Using the API

The exact dependencies depends on which http-implementation you want to use, okhttp is faster/better and has async mode, but adds an extra dependency compared to HttpURLConnectionBillogramClient.

Implementing another one (such as apache-httpcomponents based) is just a matter of implementing the two methods "sync" and "async" from AbstractHttpClient.

With Gradle

    compile 'com.youcruit:billogram-v2-api-java-lib:0.99.3'
    compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.5.0' // optional

With Maven

    <!-- optional -->

Creating a client

    // The HttpClient is just an implementation agnostic Http client
    HttpClient httpClient;
    httpClient = new OkHttpBillogramClient(username, password); // Needs the dependency above
    httpClient = new HttpURLConnectionBillogramClient(username, password); // only sync (no async) and may be a bit slower
    // These are for handling customers and billograms
    CustomerClient customerClient = new CustomerClient(httpClient);
    BillogramClient billogramClient = new BillogramClient(httpClient);

Creating a new customer

    Customer customer = new Customer().withName("").withOrgNo("")......
    Customer customerWithAssignedId = customerClient.create(customer);

Searching for a customer

    Search<CustomerFilterField, CustomerOrderField> search = new Search<>();
    search.withFilter(FilterType.FIELD, CustomerFilterField.CUSTOMER_NO, customer.getCustomerNo().toString());
    search.withOrder(SortDirection.ASCENDING, CustomerOrderField.CREATED_AT);
    final CustomerSearchResponse response =;

Developing the API


./gradlew build

Please note that the tests will NOT work unless BILLOGRAM_USERNAME and BILLOGRAM_PASSWORD environment variables (or java properties) are set to valid sandbox api credentials.



  • gpg key that exists on public pgp keyserver.
  • $HOME/.gradle/ with environment variables (if they don't exist the release process will stop with an error detailing them)

Actually releasing

Release with gradle (builds, uploads, closes and relerases archive)

    ./gradlew release