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What in the name of githubbing grangers is this tremulous mod?

ZdrytchX de Frisquilious ViruS edited this page Feb 12, 2016 · 1 revision

This tremulous mod is being modified by the ultimately uselessly idiotic, ZdrytchX (In-Game username is usually 'ViruS') hence feel free to pull out new issues. Don't spam though, I'd rather have no feedback then getting flooded with "You should make it more like CoD!"

Back on-topic, this mod's history are as follows: 0. Tremulous 1.1 -> ???

  1. <Series of Bots by vcxzet/lamebot3, Anime/Trembot, Sex/Pbot>
  2. Fuma (github username: cmf028) advances into CoW Bots
  3. I port my Lolards mod into a clone of an August 2011 version of fuma's code
  4. I re-vanilla-ise the code and add some gpp-like gimmics
  5. I started playing Xonotic/Quake 3, and decided to spice up this mod by making it more fast-paced action, but still trying to keep a sense of balance
  6. Here we are!

Contacts: Here, if you can find a way to message people via github...

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