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Connecting to a Private Heroku Postgres via AWS PrivateLink - Terraform files

This Repository contains a set of Terraform files to automatically create a complete sandbox environment, including both Heroku and AWS resources, to test how connecting to a Private Heroku Postgres Database via AWS PrivateLink, as described here:


  • An Heroku Account
  • An Heroku API Key (see here to create one)
  • An Heroku Enterprise Team
  • The Heroku CLI with the PrivateLink plugin installed $ heroku plugins:install data-privatelink
  • The Terraform CLI
  • An AWS account ID (see here to retrieve it)
  • An AWS IAM access and secret key pair (see here for the Root user or here to create a new IAM user for your AWS account)
  • A ssh key file $ ssh-keygen -f /Users/me/aws-ec2-integrationuser-key-pair and its public key $ ssh-keygen -y -f /Users/me/aws-ec2-integrationuser-key-pair. The ssh key file must have readonly permissions to be correctly used by ssh $ chmod 400 /Users/me/aws-ec2-integrationuser-key-pair

How to create the sandbox environment

  1. Open a Terminal and log in via Heroku CLI. You must be logged in the Heroku CLI on the terminal used to execute the Terraform commands
  2. Fill in the vars.template.tf_ variables file and rename it to $ mv vars.template.tf_
  3. Execute $ terraform init and then $ terraform apply and type "yes" when prompted "Do you want to perform these actions?" to proceed with the infrastructure creation - the whole process will take about 20-40 minutes to complete
  4. When the Terraform execution correctly ends, it is possible to retrieve:
  • the Postgres Endpoint URL $ heroku config --app <YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME> | grep ENDPOINT (e.g. DATABASE_ENDPOINT_0Z9C05000F8_URL: postgres://
  • the EC2 hostname inspecting the Terraform state $ terraform show | grep public_dns (e.g. public_dns = "")
  1. Connect to the EC2 using $ ssh -i <YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH_FOR_SSH_CONNECTION> ubuntu@<YOUR_EC2_HOSTNAME> where <YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH_FOR_SSH_CONNECTION> is the same file path configured into the file and <YOUR_EC2_HOSTNAME> is the value retrieved in the previous step
  2. From the EC2 connect to Heroku Postgres using the Endpoint URL retrieved previously ubuntu$ psql <POSTGRES_ENDPOINT_URL> (e.g. psql postgres://

Created resources

When the $ terraform apply has been succesfully executed, the following resources are created:

Resource Notes
Heroku App
Heroku Private Space
Heroku Postgres Private-0 tier
Heroku Postgres Endpoint Service Created using Heroku CLI
AWS Subnet
AWS Internet Gateway
AWS Route Table
AWS Security Group Postgres ports allowed
AWS Security Group EC2 ssh port allowed
AWS VPC Endpoint Interface type
AWS EC2 t2.micro
AWS EC2 key pair

How to destroy the sandbox environment

  1. Execute $ terraform destroy and type "yes" when prompted "Do you want to perform these actions?" to proceed with the infrastructure desctruction - the whole process will take about 30 seconds to complete

Repository files

File Notes Includes all the Terraform Providers in use Defines all the Heroku resources to be created Defines all the AWS resources to be created
vars.template.tf_ Template file for the Terraform variables to be defined. Once defined, it must be renamed as file
graph.svg Terraform graph image, generated using $ terraform graph | dot -Tsvg > graph.svg - it requires graphviz to be generated This README file

Tested on

This package has been tested using the following OS/tools:

OS/Tool Version
macOS BigSur 11.6.7
Heroku CLI 7.60.2
Terraform CLI 1.2.3


  • In case of issues executing Terraform, enabling the log trace (e.g. $ export TF_LOG=TRACE) can help understanding the problems

Implementation Notes

  • The file uses the Heroku CLI to create the Postgres Endpoint Service as currently it's not possible yet to create it using a specific Terraform resource nor the Heroku API (see here)
  • A local-exec provisioner has been used to retrieve the Postgres Endpoint Service name from the Heroku CLI, locally saving it to a file to be retrieved by other Terraform resources. This is necessary as the local-exec cannot return output results. An alternative could be using a Terraform external data source, but doing it for a single value would be more complex than necessary

Technical Notes

  • The AWS Security Group rules control the traffic from the AWS VPC resources to the endpoint network interface (from VPC -> to Postgres, not the other way round). Services (e.g. Heroku dynos, Postgres ...) cannot initiate requests to resources in the AWS VPC through the endpoint, as it only returns responses to traffic initiated from resources in the AWS VPC (see here for details)


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