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Xuan Mai PHAM edited this page Nov 9, 2023 · 14 revisions

The objective of the Brainstorm tool is to provide the user with an easy way to create, manipulate and run pipelines to perform EEG/MEG data analysis.

You can fastly and easily run Brainstorm in CBRAIN by following the steps:


Select your input files

Please note the following prerequisites to run a successful task:

  1. BIDS dataset format
  2. Pipeline file

Select your required file and launch it within your project:


Process the Launch Task steps, select Brainstorm tool and the execution server of your choice:


4. Task parameters

  • Select where you want to save your output
  • Set up the task parameters according to your analysis
  • Start the task


Once the task is launched, you can monitor the current status.


5. Output

As the task is completed, you will be able to go to the Output files and start your analysis:


All the outputs are BIDS conform and stored under their correspondent directory.

You can navigate in the tree directory by expanding each folder and visualize files without the need to download them by simply clicking on the link.



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