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Consular Script DSL

jc00ke edited this page Nov 30, 2011 · 2 revisions

Ruby DSL Syntax

setup 'echo "setup"'   # code to run during setup

# open a tab in current window with these commands
tab "echo 'default'", "echo 'default tab'"

window do
  before { run 'cd /path' } # run this command before each command.

  # run in new window
  run 'padrino start'

  # create a new tab in window and run it.
  tab "echo 'first tab'", "echo 'of window'"

  tab "named tab" do
    run "echo 'named tab'"
    run "ls"

The newer Ruby DSL syntax allows for more complicated behavior such as window creation as well as setup blocks that can be executed prior loading a project.


to create tabs, we can simply invoke the tab command with either the command arguments like:

tab "echo 'hi'", "gitx"

or even pass it a block:

tab do
  run "echo 'hi'"
  run "mate ."

to create windows, we can simply invoke the window command with a block containing additional commands like:

window do

  run "whoami"    # Runs the command in the current window.

  tab "echo 'hi'" # Creates another tab
  tab "mate ."    # And another
  tab do          # Last hoorah
    run "open"

Sometimes you'll want to create a few commands that you want to run in each tab instance. You can do that with 'before':

before { run "cd /path" } # execute this command before other commands in the default window
run "whoami"
tab 'uptime'

# In this instance, "cd /path" wil be executed in the default window before 'whoami' 
# and also in the tab before 'uptime'.
# You can also use this inside a specific window context:

window do
  before 'cd /tmp'
  run 'watchr test.watchr' # "cd /tmp" first than run watchr

  tab do
    run 'padrino start' # "cd /tmp" is ran beforehand and then padrino start is executed

The setup block allows you to store commands that can be ran specifically before a project and can be defined with:

the command arguments:

setup "bundle install", "gitx"

or with a block:

setup do
  run "echo 'hi'"
  run "bundle install"
  run 'git remote add upstream git://'

Once defined, you can invoke your projects setup with:

consular setup my_project