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Releases: aecker/ecker2014

Code for Ecker et al. 2014, Neuron

15 May 08:28
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This is the final version of the code used for data analysis (including basic documentation) in the following paper:

Ecker AS, Berens P, Cotton RJ, Subramaniyan M, Denfield G, Cadwell CR, Smirnakis SM, Bethge M, Tolias AS (2014) State dependence of noise correlations in macaque primary visual cortex. Neuron 82:235–248.

Complete code, documentation incomplete

17 Apr 12:01
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This is the final version of the code at the time of publication. Documentation is not completely finished.

Complete code but not cleaned up

22 Jan 09:13
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This is the version of the code at the time of final resubmission. There is still a lot of unused exploratory code floating around, which is often broken. In addition, the code relies on many external references, so it won't run without a number of other repositories. This version is just kept for completeness and not intended for external use.