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Using R and GitHub: reproducibility in research

University of Cincinatti | ----------------|----------------------------------- Nov 27 2018 | Instructor: Alex Filazzola 10:00 am - 1:00 pm | Co-instructors: TBD

##General Information

Statistical software that are also programming languages, such as R, are excellent tools for conducting analyses of biological data. However, many users are not taking full advantage of their capabilities. This workshop is an introduction to some of the resources that are available to R users that have been developed and implemented in the larger programming community. No prior knowledge of R will be necessary, but this workshop will not be an introduction to R basics. Instead, we will focus on using R Studio and Github to easily sync your data and analyses online. Within this workshop we will explore how to maximize reproducibility, collaborate internationally on statistical analyses, present data summaries, data management, and the promotion of open science

Who: The course is aimed at R beginners and novice to intermediate analysts. You do not need to have previous knowledge of R.

Where: University of Cincinatti

Requirements: Participants should bring a laptop with a Mac, Linux, or Windows operating system (not a tablet, Chromebook, etc.) with administrative privileges. If you want to work along during tutorial, you must have both Git & R studio installed on your own computer (See below for instructions). However, you are still welcome to attend because all examples will be presented via a projector in the classroom.