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This is a collection of POCs

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Template for PoC/research report-out

Use the report template below to report out an activity. Add the report to a README file at the folder root. Generate a google doc for it and share with the team (Assuming people might not have access to the repos).


[Technology Tested] Evaluation Report


  • Technology Tested:
  • Test Date:
  • Evaluation Team:

What is [Technology Tested]?

[Provide a brief description of the technology, including any relevant version or model details.]

What is [Technology Tested] Generally Used For?

[Describe the primary use cases and applications for the technology. Explain why organizations or individuals might choose to use it.]

Strengths and Advantages

[Identify what the technology is good for. Highlight its strengths, including performance, ease of use, flexibility, scalability, and any unique features that make it stand out.]

Limitations and Disadvantages

[Discuss what the technology is not good for. Point out any limitations, situations where it might not be the best choice, and any drawbacks that users should be aware of.]

Other Notes or Findings

  • Integration with Other Technologies: [Discuss how it integrates or works with other technologies. Point out compatibility or interoperability issues, if any.]
  • Community and Support: [Mention the size and activity level of its community, availability of documentation, and support options.]
  • Cost Considerations: [Briefly describe its pricing model, if applicable, and cost-effectiveness compared to alternatives.]
  • Security: [Address any security features or concerns discovered during the evaluation.]
  • Deployment and Maintenance: [Discuss the ease or complexity of its deployment and ongoing maintenance requirements.]


[Summarize the assessment, including any recommendations or final thoughts about the viability and applicability of the technology for intended use cases.]

Resources and Additional Links

  • Official Documentation: [URL]
  • GitHub Repository/Source Code: [URL]
  • Demo/Examples: [URL]
  • Community Forums or Support Channels: [URL]

[Include any additional notes, appendices, or references here.]

[End of Report]



POCs for Business Development






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