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Voucher Pool API Service (slimframework)

A simple api service application to consume vouchers from the pool. This is for demo purposes and created to demonstrate architectural & programming skills.


  • Nginx Container: This service will act as an API gateway and it will route all the calls to the appropriate services ie PHP-FPM.
  • PHP-FPM Container: This service will serve all the voucher related API endpoints.
  • MySQL Container: This database container will store all the voucher related data, hence will be accessed and consumed by php-fpm container.

Below are the key-design points, and how its been handled & implemented.

Packages Depending Management:

Composer is used to manage all the dependencies of the application. All the required packages / libraries are declared in the composer.json file. And can be installed by using the composer install command.

Application Entry Point:

The application entry is pointed at public directory, which holds only the index.php file and can also have assets files which can be accessed publicly. Other than this, no code or file outside this folder can be accessed directly. The idea is to protect all the files outside this directory.

Simple Routing with Middleware Support:

All the requests and how they need to be handled are defined in the routes/api.php.

Database & Migration:

To interact with the mySQL, we've used Illuminate Database aka "Eloquent". It allows us to interact with our database via Object Relational Mapping "ORM".

To migrate & seed the database, we've used framework agnostic package Phinx. Over the period of time application code evolves and database also evolves with it. To keep track of the code changes we use source versioning tools like git. With the migration scripts we can also keep track of the database changes. Specially helpful when working in a team environment. When team-mates pull your changes, if they see the migration scripts they can simply run it with the simple command to upgrade their local database schema changes.

Class Dependency Injection & Service Container:

For managing class dependencies and performing dependency injection, we've used SlimFramwork Container. With this we can invert the control of dependencies from application to class hence the pattern "Inversion of Control".

Simple Application Configuration Management & Environment Variables:

For handling the configuration settings for application, we've used the Illuminate Config. All the configurations are stored in the config directory. Also used Symfony Dotenv to load the variables defined in .env file, then access them via getenv() function. This is useful to have different configuration settings for each environment i-e dev, staging, production.

Contextual Logging:

To understand about what's happening within our application, we've used Monolog library which provides robust logging services that allow you to log messages.

Validation of HTTP Request:

To validate your application's incoming HTTP request data, We've used Illuminate Validation, which provides a variety of powerful validation rules.

Standard & Consistent Output of API HTTP Response:

To provide a standard & consistent output of API response data, we've used League Fractal, so we can have presentation and transformation layer for our output data. All the transformation classes are stored in the app/Transformers directory.

HashIds for Voucher Generation:

When a new special offer is created, we are not generating vouchers for all the recipients in our system. Instead we are using HashIds to generate & validate vouchers for every recipient. We can encode & decode by using a combination of [{recipient_id}, {offer_id}]. It always produces a voucher code of exact 8 characters which can also be updated in the config/hashids.php


To test our application service, we've used Codeception, Out of the box it allows us to have all three types of tests i-e unit, functional, and acceptance tests in a unified framework. In our case, we have unit tested the core business objects in \App\Services, also written acceptance tests to check the integration & functionality of all the API endpoints. All the test cases, are stored in the tests directory. and can be run by the following command:

$ php vendor/bin/codecept run --steps

Code-standards and style guides:

To maintain the coding standards accross the team I've created the file phpcs.xml, in which all the coding standards are defined. and all the code files can be checked according to this file by running the follwoing command:

$ php vendor/bin/phpcs


Development environment requirements:

  • Git
  • Docker >= 18.09 CE
  • Docker Compose

Setting up your development environment on your local machine using setup script (For MAC/LINUX):

git clone
cd voucher-pool-api

Manual setup (For Windows):

git clone
cd voucher-pool-api
cp .env
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it voucher-pool-php-fpm composer install
docker exec -it voucher-pool-mysql mysql -u root -pnewsletter2go -e "create database newsletter2go_testing; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'newsletter2go'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'newsletter2go';";
docker exec -it voucher-pool-php-fpm php vendor/bin/phinx migrate
docker exec -it voucher-pool-php-fpm php vendor/bin/phinx seed:run

Now you can access the application via http://localhost:8080.

Run Tests

Run the unit-tests & acceptance-tests in the PHP-FPM service container:

docker exec -it voucher-pool-php-fpm php vendor/bin/codecept run --steps

API documentation

You can access the public API documentation at Postman. To import and run all the API's, click "Run In Postman" on top bar, after installing and importing you will see the new collection as "Newsletter2Go - Voucher API".