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AI mode for Emacs



This package provides support for AI in Emacs in several ways.

  • Interaction with AI in interactive chat mode.
  • Using AI for code and text completion in AI completion mode.
  • Using AI to modify code.
  • Using AI to explain code.
  • Extension for org babel



Installation via MELPA

It's easiest/recommended to install from MELPA. Here's a minimal MELPA configuration for your ~/.emacs:

(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))

Afterwards, M-x package-install RET ai-mode RET (you might want to M-x package-refresh-contents RET beforehand if you haven't done so recently).

Installation via GIT

Clone this repository somewhere

$ cd ~/.emacs.d/plugins
$ git clone --recursive

Add the following in your .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'load-path
(require 'ai-mode)


To use OpenAI backends, you need to obtain an authorization key. You can get the key on the page.

There are several ways to assign your key to the variable ai-openai--api-key.

  1. Put (setq ai-openai--api-key "you key") in the configuration file.
  2. Use the command M-x set-variable ai-openai--api-key.
  3. Use the command M-x customize-variable ai-openai--api-key.
(use-package ai-mode
  :config (progn
                (global-set-key (kbd "C-<tab>") 'ai-complete-code-at-point)
                (setq ai--query-type-map '(("translate-into-english" . "Translate into english: %s")
                                       ("fix" . "Here is a bug in the following function, please help me fix it: %s")
                                       ("improve" . "Improve and extend the following code: %s")
                                       ("explain" . "Explain following code: %s")
                                       ("optimize" . "Optimize the following code: %s")
                                       ("spellcheck" . "Spellcheck this text: %s")
                                       ("elaborate" . "Elaborate on this text: %s")
                                       ("document" . "Please add the documentation for the following code: %s")
                                       ("refactor" . "Refactor the following code: %s")))))


Extension capabilities can be divided into 4 areas.

Code completion

To invoke completion, you need to call the command ai-complete-code-at-point. For convenience, you can assign a keyboard shortcut to the command, for example C-<tab>.

List of contextual commands in autocomplete mode after preview display.

binding command Explanation
\e\e\e ai--completion-abort Disable autocomplete
\C-g ai--completion-abort Disable autocomplete
C-<tab> ai--completion-select-next-or-abort Show the next candidate
C-n ai--completion-select-next-or-abort Show the next candidate
<down> ai--completion-select-next-or-abort Show the next candidate
C-p ai--completion-select-prev-or-abort Show the prev candidate
<up> ai--completion-select-prev-or-abort Show the prev candidate
[return] ai--completion-select-current Select current candidate
RET ai--completion-select-current Select current candidate
C-i ai-completions--increase-current-context Increase context

Customization of code completion mode

  • (setq ai-chat--prompt "SuperAI>") - changing the greeting
  • (setq ai-completion--context-size 10) - changing the context size

If you want to write your own backend, take a look at the source code of the ai-openai--completions-completion-backend function.

Adding a customized backend:

(add-to-list 'ai--completion-backends '("SuperAI completion backend" . super-ai-completion-backend))


Interactive mode for interacting with AI. In this mode, you can ask AI questions in an interactive way and receive answers. After typing a message, you can send it using the C-return> key combination.


List of available commands:

  • ai-chat-change-backend - changing the AI backend used for processing requests
  • ai--chat--return - sends a request to the AI backend
  • ai--chat--interrupt - interrupts the request processing
  • ai--chat--clear-buffer - clears the interaction history
  • ai--chat--increase-context-size - increases the number of messages in the context. By default, it is 1. The more context, the more accurate the response, but the higher the cost of the request.
  • ai--chat--decrease-context-size - decreases the number of messages in the context.

Customization of chat mode.

  • (setq ai-chat--prompt "SuperAI>") - changing the greeting
  • (setq ai-chat--buffer-context-size 10) - changing the context size

If you want to write your own backend, take a look at the source code of the ai-openai--chat-async-send-context function.

Adding a customized backend:

(add-to-list 'ai-chat--query-backends '("SuperAI backend" . super-chat-ai-backend))

Code manipulation

ai-replace-number ai-mode-translation ai-mode-translation-2

This mode includes several commands that allow modifying, adding to, and changing the code and text.

List of available commands:

  • ai-perform - takes the content of the selected region, applies a command from the ai--query-type-map list to it, or uses the entered text as the command, and replaces the region with the resulting response.
  • ai-insert-doc-marker - places a documentation marker
  • ai-document-code-region - generates documentation for the selected region and replaces the marker with the resulting documentation
  • ai-show - displays the AI response in a new buffer
  • ai-explain-code-region - explains the selected code fragment in a special help buffer

Customization of code manipulation mode

  • (setq ai--doc-tag "{{__ai_doc__}}") - changing the marker for documentation placement
  • (setq ai--change-backend-prompt "Select query backend:") - changing the greeting for changing the backend
  • (setq ai--query-type-prompt "Type of Query:") - changing the greeting for selecting the query type
  • (setq ai-keymap-prefix "C-c i") - changing the prefix for keymap

If you want to write your own backend, take a look at the source code of the ai-openai--chat-async-send-query function.

Adding a customized backend:

(add-to-list 'ai-async-query-backends '("SuperAI completion backend" . super-ai-backend))

Org babel support

The org babel extension allows executing blocks using an AI engine. This functionality is extracted into a separate repository ob-ai. You can learn more about this feature there.

Available commands

ai-change-query-backend - allows you to change the current backend to another one from the list ai-async-query-backends.

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