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Golang Logging Client, Docs


go get

Authentication and Config

Alt4 automatically reads config information from the environment. Auth tokens can be generated from Settings -> Manage Access -> Application Keys on You can configure alt4 in 3 ways:

  1. Using a config file: Pass in the path to the config file via env variable ALT4_CONFIG. A config file can be downloaded during token generation.

  2. Using Environment Variables: The following options can be configured. If set they'll override options set using the config file.

    • ALT4_AUTH_TOKEN A token string used to authorize your request to alt4
    • ALT4_MODE This controls the amount of ouptut alt4 emits to stderr. The following modes can be used:
      • release(default) - Under this mode all logs will be sent to alt4 without logging the logs to stderr unless there's a connection/authentication error.
      • debug Under this mode logs will be sent to alt4 and written to stderr.
      • testing Under this mode logs will only be emitted to stderr and not sent to alt4. We use this mode to develop our products locally.
      • silent Similar to testing but the logs won't be not emitted to stdoud.
      • json(coming soon) - Under this mode, logs will be written to a JSON file which can later be uploaded to alt4
    • ALT4_SINK A string specifying a sink to log the logs under. By default, logs entries will be logged to the sink default.
  3. Set options from the code

package main
import (
    alt4Service ""

alt4Service.SetAuthToken("YOUR TOKEN HERE")


This client emulates golang's built in log package as much as possible. Logs will be written asynchronously to alt4. If you're running on a system that doesn't allow background processes(goroutines) e.g. google cloud run, we recommend using log grouping and making sure you defer close group. This will wait for all writes to complete. You can call the function Result after a log to wait for the writing to finish.

package main
import (

func main() {
    log.Println("Normal logging as you're used to")
    log.Debugf("A formatted log entry, current time %s", time.Now())
    log.Warning("Create a log with a Warning severity level")
    log.Error("Create a log with an error severity level. This won't exit after.")
    log.Fatal("Logs with a critical severity level then exits with status 1.")
    log.Panicln("Logs with a critical severity level then panics.")


Claims are extra data that you want to relate to a log entry but aren't part of the log message. This data can be used while filtering for logs from alt4. Claims implement all methods implemented by the log package.

package main
import ""

func main() {
        "user_id": "user triggering this entry",
    }.Println("A normal log message")

        "id": "some_id",
        "name": "Some name here",
    }.Warning("Just a warning")


Grouping can help you resolve issues faster by grouping related logs together. Alt4 groups logs based on if they're running from the same goroutine.

package main
import (

func processUrl(url string) {
    // We want logs from each process grouped together even if they run in parallel
    defer log.Group(fmt.Sprintf("Processing %s", url)).Close()
    log.Println("This log and those after will be grouped under the current routine")

    // You can also create a group with claims
    defer log.Claims{"url": url}.Group("Processing ", url).Close()

func main() {
    urls := []string{
    // Process these URLs in different processes.
    for _, url := range urls {
        go processUrl(url)

Set Default Logger to Write to Alt4

This is the quickest way to get started with alt4 without importing the library in every file that you do log from. This is the recommended path for a pre-existing code base without the intention to use claims in logs.

This achieved by providing the following writer interfaces:

  • This writer receives a log message and writes it asynchronously to alt4.
  • This writer writes synchronously, i.e. blocks as the log is written. This is only recommended in environments where background processes aren't allowed or are discouraged, e.g. google cloud run.

The example below demonstrates the usage of both writers:

package main
import (
    alt4Service ""

func main() {
    // Set default logger to use alt4
    log.Println("This writes to alt4")
    // Set a custom logger to use alt4
    logger := log.New(alt4Service.SyncWriter, "[my custom logger]", 0)
    logger.Println("This writes synchronously to alt4")

Query Language

Alt4 uses a query language that will look familiar to anyone using a terminal a lot.

Free form search phrases

"my search phrase" "a second search phrase"

A free form search phrase will be searched on the following fields: Message, Function, Filename/path, Source and Claims(as a json string)

Searching By Claims

"Free form message" --my_claim="Claim Value" --other_claim="Other Value"

Searching by claims also supports multiple value search for equal and not equal:

--my_claim="Value 1" "Value 2" "Value 3"

These values will be searched under an OR condition i.e my_claim=="Value 1" OR my_claim=="Value 2" OR my_claim=="Value 3"

Searching by log fields

When searching log fields, the following fields can be queried directly:

  • message The log message provided
  • claims(as a json string) The claims provided, then stored as a json object
  • file The file the log came from
  • line The line the log came from in the file
  • function The function that the log came from
  • level int log level as per this array [Default, Info, Debug, Warning, Error, Fatal]
  • source If you've set a custom log source this can help filter different sources.

Searching by these fields is the same as searching by claims but requires the prefix alt. to mark them as internal fields. Example:


Search Operators

These search operators can be used when searching claims or searching log fields.

  • Equal = or ==: Supports multiple values per field. This operator cannot be used with NotEqual or Regex operator on the same field.
  • Not Equal !=: Supports multiple values per field. This operator cannot be used with Equal or Regex operator on the same field.
  • Regex ~=: Useful when doing advanced filtering on a field and doesn't support multiple values. This operator cannot be used with Equal or NotEqual operator on the same field.
  • GreaterThan and GreaterThanOrEqual > and >=: Self explanatory. These operators cannot be used together on the same field.
  • LessThan and LessThanOrEqual < and <=: Self explanatory. These operators cannot be used together on the same field.