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Alvin X. Han edited this page Jul 25, 2019 · 31 revisions

PhyCLIP (Phylogenetic Clustering by Linear Integer Programming) v2.1

PhyCLIP is an integer linear programming (ILP) approach that optimally delineates a tree into statistically-principled clusters. Minimally, apart from a rooted phylogeny, 3 additional inputs are required from the user:

  1. Minimum number of sequences (S) that can be quantified as a cluster.
  2. Multiple of deviations (gamma) from the grand median of the mean pairwise sequence patristic distance that defines the within-cluster divergence limit.
  3. False discovery rate (FDR) to infer that the diversity observed for every combinatorial pair of output clusters is significantly distinct from one another.

A manuscript describing PhyCLIP (version 1.0) is published in Molecular Biology and Evolution:
Phylogenetic Clustering by Linear Integer Programming (PhyCLIP) Alvin Xiaochuan Han, Edyth Parker, Frits Scholer, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh, Colin Russell Molecular Biology and Evolution, msz053; doi:

We highly encourage that you go through this documentation before starting your analysis.

However, if you would like to promptly run PhyCLIP using the recommended procedure, you may go to:

I-a. Quickstart for beginners
I-b. Quickstart for advanced users
II. Installation
III. Usage guide
IV. Output files
V. Optimising input parameters
VI. Prior clusters
VII. Troubleshoot