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This is an example website that you can use to get your own website up and running!

Let's get started!

In your Cloud9 Workspace: hit Run (green play button above) and wait for the web server to start. Then go to the link in the light blue box (the "terminal") shown below. It will look something like this:

Your code is running at

Click on the link.

On your Local Computer: in your terminal, type in the following command after the dollar sign ($):

$ npm install

and then hit ENTER. This will download a number of files. Wait a while for that to finish. Then, type in the command:

$ npm start

and hit ENTER to start a web server that will serve your webpage! Then you can go to http://localhost:8080 to see your new website in action!


Using this template, you can

  • write your HTML in client/index.html. This is the content of your website.

  • write any other html pages you want to include inside the client/ folder.

  • create CSS stylesheets in client/css

  • create Javascript files in client/js

  • Include your css file, my-file.css inside your webpage by including

    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/your-file.css" />

    inside the <head>...</head> in client/index.html.

  • Include your js file, my-file.js inside your webpage by including

    <script src="my-file.js" />

    at the bottom of the <body>...</body> in public/index.html

File Structure

client/               Folder you will be working out of
----index.html        Main HTML Page of entire website
----                     includes reference to .js & .css files
----                     that it wants to load as well when this
----                     webpage is loaded
----js/               Folder of .js javascript files
--------app.js        Javascript file. Included in index.html
----css/              folder of .css stylesheet files
--------style.css     CSS stylesheet. Included in index.html
server.js             DO NOT TOUCH. Serves up index.html on a web server
package.json          DO NOT TOUCH. Node-js package.json file that
                           recognizes this project as a Node-js app

Create a webpage on index.html


Basic website template using a simple Node Express server for serving up index.html. Used for Girls Who Code web projects.






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