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Testing JavaScript

These are my notes from the Testing JavaScript course by Kent C. Dodds.


ESLint is a static code analysis tool. This means it allows us to discover problems with our JavaScript code without executing it.

Install ESLint

npm install --save-dev eslint will add eslint to your package.json as a dev dependency.

Configure ESLint

We create an .eslintrc file to configure our ESLint.


    "parserOptions": {
      "ecmaVersion": 2018 // specifies that we are writing the latest version of javascript
    "extends": ["eslint:recommended"], // uses the built in eslint configurations
    "rules": {
      "no-console": "off" // means we don't get 'unexpected console statement' errors
    "env": {
      "browser": true

Add script to run ESLint

In the package.json we can add a script to run ESLint on our src folder..

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint src"

Now to run ESLint we can do npm run lint.

Enable an ESLint plugin

The plugin allows us to see errors as we are coding, without having to npm run lint in the terminal. I used the plugin named 'ESLint - Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code by Dirk Baeumer'.


Prettier is a code formatter that formats our code for us when we save changes. It allows us to specify whether we want trailing commas, single or double quotes, tab width, etc.

Install Prettier

Install prettier as a dev dependency with npm install --save-dev prettier.

Add script to run Prettier

In the package.json file we can include a new script to run Prettier.

    "format": "prettier --write \"**/*.+(js|jsx|json|yml|yaml|css|less|scss|ts|tsx|md|graphql|mdx)\"" // prettier will format and save the changes to any file in the project with these extensions

Install Prettier plugin and enable format on save

The Prettier plugin allows us to perform Prettier format operations as we save our code changes. To do this we add the plugin. I used 'Prettier - Code formatter, VS Code plugin for prettier by Esben Petersen'.

We can then edit our settings.json to enable the format on save.

"editor.formatOnSave": true

Configure Prettier

We add a configuration file to our project called .prettierrc to tell Prettier how we want it to format our code.

We can use the Prettier Playground to generate our options, such as whether we want trailing commas, tabs, etc.

We also add a .prettierignore file to make sure Prettier does not try and format files we don't want it to, such as our node modules.

When ESLint and other configurations conflict with Prettier

Sometimes, ESLint or other configurations will show errors or red underlines beneath things that Prettier will fix for us on save.

To avoid the red underlines, we can extend our configuration to automatically disable all the rules that Prettier renders irrelevant by installing eslint-config-prettier.

Install eslint-config-prettier

We can npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier.

Then in our .eslintrc we can add eslint-config-prettier.

  "extends": ["eslint:recommended", "eslint-config-prettier"], // the rules at the end of the array take priority

Which rules take priority over others

The configurations that come at the end of the 'extends' arrray will win in a conflict with the configurations that come first in the array, so in this case eslint-config-prettier will win over eslint:recommended.

Furthermore, rules specified by myself in the .eslintrc will win in a conflict with those in 'extends', such as the no-console rule below:

  "rules": {
    "no-console": "off" // rules specified by myself take priority over eslint:recommended", "eslint-config-prettier


Flow is a tool for checking the types of variables in your application.

Installing Flow

We install Flow as a dev dependency with npm install --save-dev flow-bin.

Add script to run Flow

To our package.json scripts we simply add "flow": "flow". We can then run npm run flow.

Unexpected token errors

ESLint doesn't understand Flow, so it will throw errors when using Flow syntax.

To fix this, we npm install --save-dev babel-eslint, and add parser: babel-eslint to our .eslintrc file.

I also was receiving the following error in my Flow files: "types can only be used in a .ts file". To fix that I added the Flow Language support plugin and disabled TypeScript. Solution outlined in this Stack Overflow.

Handling projects with multiple people

What if someone working on our project doesn't have Prettier, ESLint or Flow set up. How can we ensure that their code adheres to the rules for our project?

We can introduce a validation script to make sure things are linted, formatted and flow-checked.

Here, our validation script runs our lint script, flow script and lists any prettier descrepencies.

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint src",
    "format": "npm run prettier -- --write",
    "prettier": "prettier \"**/*.+(js|jsx|json|yml|yaml|css|less|scss|ts|tsx|md|graphql|mdx)\"", // prettier is reused in both the format and validate script
    "validate": "npm run lint && npm run prettier -- --list-different && npm run flow" // list-different lists any issues that our format script would have fixed

But how do we ensure users run the validate script? That's where Husky comes in.


The above validation script can be automatically run when people commit their code by setting up a pre-commit hook with Husky.

Installing Husky

We install Husky with npm install --save-dev husky. Note you need to have initialized a Git repository before installing Husky, as it puts a pre-commit file in our .git folder.

Adding the pre-commit script

We add "precommit": "npm run validate" to our package.json scripts, so that our validate script runs when people attempt to commit their code.

The commit will fail if there are any lint, prettier or flow errors, and the person will have to go and fix them.

But it turns out for ESLint and Prettier, we can fix the errors for them.

Auto fixing ESLint and Prettier errors

We can automatically fix ESLint and Prettier errors when a person commmits their code, rather than telling them where the errors are and having to fix it themselves. Flow however still needs to be run across all files, regardless of which ones have changed. To do this, we use lint-staged.

Installing lint-staged

We can run npm install --save-dev lint-staged.

Editing our pre-commit script

We can now edit our pre-commit script to run lint-staged and flow.

"precommit": "lint-staged && npm run flow"

Configure lint-staged

We add a .lintstagedrc file to our project and tell it to run ESLint for all files that end in .js. and Prettier for all the files that can be prettified.

  "linters": {
    "*.js": [
    "*.+(js|jsx|json|yml|yaml|css|less|scss|ts|tsx|md|graphql|mdx)": [
      "prettier --write",
      "git add"

Now, when a user who doesn't have ESLint or Prettier configured tries to commit code that can be automatically formatted for them, our pre-commit script will do so.


This is how jest.fn works under the hood:

function fn(impl) {
  const mockFn = (...args) => {
    return impl(...args)
  mockFn.mock = {calls: []}
  return mockFn

fn accepts an implementation function, impl, and returns a mock function, mockFn.

When the code that you're testing is executed, mockFn gets called in place of your real function (see how getWinner is mocked in the usage example below).

When mockFn gets called it does two things with the arguments that it receives:

  1. Calls impl with the arguments
  2. Keeps track of all the arguments it's called with in mockFn.mock.calls (see why this is useful in the expect example below)

fn usage example:

test('returns winner', () => {
  // keep hold of the original implementation
  const originalGetWinner = utils.getWinner
  // mock getWinner
  utils.getWinner = jest.fn((p1, p2) => p1)

  // make the test code run
  const winner = thumbWar('Kent C. Dodds', 'Ken Wheeler')

  expect(winner).toBe('Kent C. Dodds')
  // make assertions about what the mock is called with
    ['Kent C. Dodds', 'Ken Wheeler'],
    ['Kent C. Dodds', 'Ken Wheeler']

  // reassign getWinnerr to its original value,
  // so the mock implementation does not leak into subsequent tests
  utils.getWinner = originalGetWinner


With jest.fn() we had to keep track of the mock function's original implementation, so that we could restore it later.

With jest.spyOn, keeping track of the original implementation is no longer necessary, as this is done for us.

This is how jest.spyOn works under the hood (notice how internally it still calls fn):

function spyOn(obj, prop) {
  const originalValue = obj[prop]
  obj[prop] = fn()
  obj[prop].mockRestore = () => (obj[prop] = originalValue)

function fn(impl = () => {}) {
  const mockFn = (...args) => {
    return impl(...args)
  mockFn.mock = {calls: []}
  mockFn.mockImplementation = newImpl => (impl = newImpl)
  return mockFn

spyOn is a function that takes an object and a prop - the prop being the function that you are mocking.

spyOn then does 3 things:

  1. Keep track of the original value of the prop
  2. Mock the prop by calling fn
  3. Expose a mockRestore function, which reassigns the prop to its original value

The implementation of fn is now slightly different to above. It receives a default impl (an empty function), and adds a mockImplementation property mockFn (the function being mocked).

spyOn usage example:

const thumbWar = require('../thumb-war')
const utils = require('../utils')

test('returns winner', () => {
  // make utils.getWinner a mocked function
  jest.spyOn(utils, 'getWinner')
  // mock the implementation
  utils.getWinner.mockImplementation((p1, p2) => p1)

  const winner = thumbWar('Kent C. Dodds', 'Ken Wheeler')
  expect(winner).toBe('Kent C. Dodds')
    ['Kent C. Dodds', 'Ken Wheeler'],
    ['Kent C. Dodds', 'Ken Wheeler']

  // restore getWinner to its original value


Instead of using jest.spyOn, which is mocking a single function in a file, we could mock the entire file with jest.mock. This is not something I've used very often myself, but am including it here for completeness.

We can put this jest.mock call at the top of our test file, and Jest will ensure that our mock is used when the thumb-war requires the utils module.

jest.mock('../utils', () => {
  return {
    getWinner: jest.fn((p1, p2) => p1)

These mocks can also be externalised in an __mocks__ directory, which Jest loads automatically. This would allow the mocks to be shared across tests.

mock usage example

In our test, we would then clean up by doing:


Installing Jest

To install Jest into an existing project:

npm install --save-dev jest

In your package.json scripts add:

"test": "jest

Create a folder called __tests__ (Jest will look here for tests to run) and a new test file.

To run your tests you can do npm run test, npm test, or npm t.

To make ESLint play nicely with Jest, in your .eslintrc add:

  "env": {
    "jest": true


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