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LSF monitoring & accounting

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The backend is composed of two parts, to follow Graphite's model/view pattern. The first part consist of data gathering (using LSF API through PyLSF) and Carbon feeding, the second one consist of an URL API to query the time series. While the former is mandatory, the latter is not, because you can directly use Graphite Webapp. However, in order to use the frontend, you also need the URL APIs.

Data gathering

Feed Graphite with LSF's monitoring and accounting data. In order to use these scripts, you need at least a basic Graphite setup. Then you need Python support for LSF:

  • git submodule init
  • git submodule update
  • Enter in pylsf/ subfolder
  • Follow compilation and installation instructions

The last prerequisite (only for accounting) is a JSON file in the project's root containing the HEP performance information of your LSF hosts, called .hostsinfo.json and having the following format:

    "hostname1": { "hs06": HepspecVal, "ncores": CoresNumber, "nslots": LsfSlots },
    "hostname2": { "hs06": HepspecVal, "ncores": CoresNumber, "nslots": LsfSlots },

The scripts monitoring_update and accounting_update gather the data and feed Carbon. The first one inserts monitoring data in time series prefixed with the string monitoring. and need to be called quite often (every few minutes, depending on the time intervals you set in carbon/storage-schemas.conf). The second inserts data in time series starting with accounting. and need to be called once a day (usually right after the daily LSF .acct log rotation). Only accounting_update take parameters, that are:

  • LSF log directory (mandatory)
  • List of dates to look for (optional, if omitted look for yesterday finished jobs)

Important: in order to decide if a job is locally or Grid submitted, we make the following assumption: when the fromHost field of the job begins with the string "ce", then the job's submit type is Grid, otherwise it's locally submitted. This is an internal convention and maybe different for other sites.


URL APIs offer a way to display queues informations in multiple formats, hiding the complexity of Graphite APIs. They consist in a small PHP script (web/api.php) that query the Graphite Webapp. The resource part of each URL is one of those generated by the following grammar:

Resource  ::=  /Type/Submit/Queue/Period.Unit[-WxH].Format
Type      ::=  monitoring | accounting
Submit    ::=  grid | local | all
Queue     ::=  queue[*] | each | all
Period    ::=  date[-date] | nh | nd | nw | day | week | month | year
Unit      ::=  jobs | efficiency | sec | hs06 | pledge
Format    ::=  png | json | csv | raw 


  • square brackets means "optional part";
  • queue is a non-empty sequence of alphanumerics and underscores;
  • date has the form yyyymmdd[HHMM], as a sequence of 8 or 12 digits;
  • n is a positive inter

We also have the following rules, as syntactic sugar:

/Type/Queue/... => /Type/all/Queue/...
/Type/Period... => /Type/all/all/Period... 

Create Apache Virtual Host (it must be at least accessible from the server itself, for example using an entry in /etc/hosts). In this example the host name is

# Graphite Webapp using mod_wsgi
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/usr/share/graphite/webapp"
    ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/graphite-web-error.log
    CustomLog /var/log/httpd/graphite-web-access.log common
    Alias /media/ "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media/"

    WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/share/graphite/graphite-web.wsgi
    WSGIImportScript /usr/share/graphite/graphite-web.wsgi process-group=%{GLOBAL} application-group=%{GLOBAL}

    <Location "/content/">
        SetHandler None

    <Location "/media/">
        SetHandler None

Personalize web/ with your installation parameters, for example:

$WHISPER_DIR = "/var/lib/carbon/whisper/monitoring/";
$GRAPH_DEFAULT_SIZE = "800x600";

Finally create a Virtual Host for the base URL. In this example the project root is /opt/lsfmonacct/ and the host name is

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/opt/lsfmonacct/web"

    <Directory "/opt/lsfmonacct/web">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all


The frontend consist of a web interface (web/index.php) that uses the URL API in order to display time series plots. To use it, you have to:

  • Configure URL API backend
  • Download the latest jQuery 2.x from
  • Uncompress it in web/js project's subfolder
  • Create symbolic link <jquery-you-download.js> -> jquery
  • Download the latest non-commercial jQWigets 2.x from
  • Uncompress and copy the jqwidgets/ directory in web/js project's subfolder


Feed Graphite with LSF's monitoring and accounting data







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