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Untappd - a Perl wrapper for the API.


use Untappd;

my $untappd = Untappd->new({
   client_id     => "XXXXX",
   client_secret => "YYYYY",
   access_token  => "ZZZZZ",

my $user_info = $untappd->user_info({ username => "USERNAME" });

print "Total Beers: ",  $user_info->{user}{stats}{total_beers};
print "Total Badges: ", $user_info->{user}{stats}{total_badges};

my $checkins = $untappd->checkin_recent();

foreach my $checkin ( @{ $checkins->{checkins}{items} } ) {
    print "$checkin->{user}{first_name} $checkin->{user}{last_name} ",
          "had $checkin->{beer}{beer_name} by $checkin->{brewery}{brewery_name}\n";


This is a library for accessing the Untappd API.

You'll first need to register for an API key, which you can do here:

The API that this library accesses is documented here:

Once you have your API key, you'll want to obtain an access_token. See the oath_authenticate function below for instructions on how to do that.

Parameters passed to the various methods below should be passed in as a hashref.

Responses are a multi-dimensional hashref, as provided by


  • oath_authenticate()

    Obtains OAuth authentication URL.

    Application authentication with Untappd is handled via OAuth.

    In order for most of these functions to work, you need to login to Untappd via the OAuth URL returned by this function. After authenticating, you will be redirected to the redirect_url you provide.

    It will look like this:


    You need to note the value of access_token.

    Your application will need to use that access_token in order to authenticate with


    redirect_url (required) - redirect to this URL after authenticating with

    Example Usage:

      use Untappd;
      my $untappd = Untappd->new({
          client_id     => MY_CLIENT_ID,
          client_secret => MY_CLIENT_SECRET
      print $untappd->oath_authenticate("http://redirect.url.tld");

    Then, take the URL output above, paste it into your browser, login to Untappd, and when your browser redirects, note the access_token parameter in the URL string.

    You should only have to perform this step once. At this time, OAuth Tokens do not expire.

  • checkin_recent()

    This method allows you the obtain all the friend check-in feed of the authenticated user. This includes only beer checkin-ins from Friends. By default it will return at max 25 records.


    max_id (int, optional) - The checkin ID that you want the results to start with

    limit (int, optional) - The number of results to return, max of 50, default is 25

  • user_checkins()

    This method allows you the obtain all the check-in feed of the selected user. By default it will return at max 25 records.


    username (optional) - The username that you wish to call the request upon. If you do not provide a username - the feed will return results from the authenticated user (if the access_token is provided)

    max_id (int, optional) - The checkin ID that you want the results to start with

    limit (int, optional) - The number of results to return, max of 50, default is 25

  • thepub()

    This method allows you the obtain all the public feed for Untappd. By default it will return at max 25 records.


    min_id (int, optional) - The numeric ID of the most recent check-in.

    max_id (int, optional) - The checkin ID that you want the results to start with

    limit (int, optional) - The number of results to return, max of 50, default is 25

  • thepub_local()

    This method allows you the obtain all the public feed for Untappd. By default it will return at max 25 records.


    min_id (int, optional) - The numeric ID of the most recent check-in.

    lng (float, optional) - The numeric Latitude to filter the public feed.

    lat (float, optional) - The numeric Longitude to filter the public feed.

    radius (int, optional) - The max radius you would like the check-ins to start within

    max_id (int, optional) - The checkin ID that you want the results to start with

    limit (int, optional) - The number of results to return, max of 50, default is 25

  • venue_checkins()

    This method allows you the obtain a feed for a single venue for Untappd. By default it will return at max 25 records.


    venue_id (required) - The Brewery ID that you want to display checkins

    min_id (int, optional) - The numeric ID of the most recent check-in. New results will only be shown if there are checkins before this ID

    max_id (int, optional) - The checkin ID that you want the results to start with

    limit (int, optional) - The number of results to return, max of 50, default is 25

  • beer_checkins()

    This method allows you the obtain a feed for a single beer for Untappd. By default it will return at max 25 records.


    bid (required) - The beer ID that you want to display checkins

    min_id (int, optional) - The numeric ID of the most recent check-in. This provided to you in the next_query attribute.

    max_id (int, optional) - The checkin ID that you want the results to start with

    limit (int, optional) - The number of results to return, maximum of 50, default fault is 25

  • brewery_checkins()

    This method allows you the obtain a feed for a single brewery for Untappd. This includes only beer checkin-ins non private users by an authenticated user. By default it will return at max 25 records.


    brewery_id (required) - The Brewery ID that you want to display checkins

    min_id (int, optional) - The numeric ID of the most recent check-in. New results will only be shown if there are checkins before this ID

    max_id (int, optional) - The checkin ID that you want the results to start with

    limit (int, optional) - The number of results to return, max of 50, default is 25

  • brewery_info()

    This method will allow you to see extended information about a brewery.


    brewery_id (required) - The Brewery ID that you want to display information

  • beer_info()

    This method will allow you to see extended information about a beer.


    bid (required) - The Beer ID that you want to display information

  • venue_info()

    This method will allow you to see extended information about a venue.


    venue_id (required) - The Venue ID that you want to display information

  • checkin_view()

    This method will allow you to see extended details for a particular checkin, which includes location, comments and toasts.


    checkin_id (required) - The Checkin ID that you want to display information

  • user_info()

    This method will return the user information for a selected user. If you want to obtain the authenticated user's information, you don't need to pass the "user" query string. Please note: The settings attribute will only be visible if the user that you are making the call on is authenticated. Unauthenticated calls do not return this attribtue.


    username (required) - The Username that you want to display information

  • user_badges()

    This method will return a list of the last 50 the user's earned badges. If you want to obtain the authenticated user's information, you don't need to pass the "USERNAME" parameter.


    username (required) - The Username that you want to display information

    offset (int, optional) - The numeric offset that you what results to start

  • user_friends()

    This method will return the last 25 friends for a selected. If you want to obtain the authenticated user's information, you don't need to pass the username parameter


    username (required) - The Username that you want to display information

    offset (int, optional) - The numeric offset that you what results to start

    limit (optional) - The number of records that you will return (max 50)

  • user_wishlist()

    This method will allow you to see all the user's wish listed beers.


    username (required) - The Username that you want to display information

    offset (int, optional) - The numeric offset that you what results to start

  • user_beers()

    This method will allow you to see all the user's distinct beers.


    username (required) - The Username that you want to display information

    sort (string, optional) - Your can sort the results using these values:

    • Sort Params

      date - sorts by date (default),

      checkin - sorted by highest checkin

      highest_rated - sorts by global rating descending order,

      lowest_rated - sorts by global rating ascending order

      highest_rated_you - the user's highest rated beer

      lowest_rated_you - the user's lowest rated beer

    offset (int, optional) - The numeric offset that you what results to start

  • search_brewery()

    This method will allow you to see all to search the Untappd database of breweries.


    q (required) - The search term that you want to search.

  • search_beer()

    This method will allow you to see all to search the Untappd database of beers.


    q (required) - The search term that you want to search.

    sort (optional): count or name (default) - This can let you choose if you want the results to be returned in Alphabetical order (name) or by checkin count (count). By default the search returns all values in Alphabetical order.

  • trending()

    This method will allow you see trending beers (macro and micro) globally.

  • checkin_add()

    This will allow you to perform a live checkin.


    gmt_offset (required) - The numeric value of hours the user is away from the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

    timezone (required) - The timezone of the user, such as EST or PST.

    bid (required) - The numeric Beer ID you want to check into.

    foursquare_id (optional) - The MD5 hash ID of the Venue you want to attach the beer checkin. This HAS TO BE the MD5 non-numeric hash from the foursquare v2.

    geolat (optional) - The numeric Latitude of the user. This is required if you add a location.

    geolng (optional) - The numeric Longitude of the user. This is required if you add a location.

    shout (optional) - The text you would like to include as a comment of the checkin. Max of 140 characters.

    rating (optional) - The rating score you would like to add for the beer. This can only be 1 to 5 and whole numbers (no 4.2)

    facebook (optional) - Default = "off", Pass "on" to post to facebook

    twitter (optional) - Default = "off", Pass "on" to post to twitter

    foursquare (optional) - Default = "off", Pass "on" to checkin on foursquare

  • checkin_addcomment()

    This method will allow you comment on a checkin.


    checkin_id (required) - The checkin ID you wish you toast.

    comment (required) - The comment text that you would like to add. It must be less than 140 characters

  • checkin_deletecomment()

    This method will allow you to delete your comment on a checkin.


    comment_id (required) - The comment ID you wish to delete.

  • checkin_toast()

    This method will allow you to toast a checkin. Please note, if the user has already toasted this check-in, it will delete the toast.


    checkin_id (required) - The checkin ID you wish you toast.

  • wishlist_add()

    This method will allow you to add a beer to your wish list


    bid (required) - The numeric beer ID that you wish to add to your wishlist.

  • wishlist_remove()

    This method will allow you to remove a beer from your wish list


    bid (required) - The numeric beer ID that you wish to remove from your wishlist.\#remove\_from\_wish

  • friend_pending()

    This will allow you to return your pending friends requests

  • friend_accept()

    This will allow you to accept a pending friend request


    target_id (required) - The target user id that you wish to accept.

  • friend_reject()

    This will allow you to return you to ignore a pending friend request


    target_id (required) - The target user id that you wish to reject/ignore.

  • friend_remove()

    This will allow you to return you to revoke a current friendship


    target_id (required) - The target user id that you wish to remove/revoke.

  • friend_request()

    This will allow you to request to be someone's friend on Untappd


    target_id (required) - The target user id that you wish to request to be their friend.

  • notifications()

    This method will allow you pull in a feed of notifications (toasts and comments) on the authenticated user. It will return the 25 items by default and pagination is not supported. It will also show the last 25 news items in the order of created date.

  • foursquare_lookup()

    This method will allow you to pass in a foursquare v2 ID and return a Untappd Venue ID to be used for /v4/venue/info or /v4/venue/checkins


    venue_id (required) - The foursquare venue v2 ID that you wish to translate into a Untappd


Show recent checkins for Founders Imperial Stout

my $checkins = $untappd->beer_checkins({ bid => 4586 });

foreach my $checkin (@{ $checkins->{checkins}{items} }) {
    print "$checkin->{user}{first_name} at $checkin->{created_at}\n";

Search for beer from Founders

my $beers = $untappd->search_beer({ q => "founders" });

foreach my $beer ( @{ $beers->{beers}{items} } ) {
    print "$beer->{beer}{beer_name}\n";

Show extended info on Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout

my $beer = $untappd->beer_info({ bid => "9681" });

print "$beer->{beer}{beer_name} by $beer->{beer}{brewery}{brewery_name} ",
      "in $beer->{beer}{brewery}{location}{brewery_city}, ",
      "$beer->{beer}{brewery}{location}{brewery_state} ",
      "rated $beer->{beer}{rating_score}\n ";

Comment on a checkin

my $response = $untappd->checkin_addcomment({
    checkin_id => 26943020,
    comment    => "That's a fine beer!",

Perform a checkin

my $response = $untappd->checkin_add({
    gmt_offset => "-5",
    timezone   => "EST",
    bid        => 9681,
    shout      => "Yum!",
    rating     => 5,


The current source for this module is available here:


Untappd for Perl is not endorsed by or affiliated with and it's content are Copyright 10/18/10 Untappd. All Rights Reserved.

The descriptions of the above methods is taken from the API documentation.

Please be sure that your applications are in accordance with the Terms of Use:


Eric Andreychek (eric at


The Untappd for Perl module is Copyright (C) 2013 by Eric Andreychek.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Untappd - a Perl wrapper for the API.






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