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use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings;

package PostScript::DecodeGlyphName;

our $VERSION = '0.002';

use Exporter::Tidy all => [qw( decode_glyph parse_adobeglyphlist )];

sub _croak { require Carp; goto &Carp::croak }

sub _utf8ify { no warnings 'utf8'; map { pack "U", hex } @_ }

my $uni_notation = qr{
	\A uni
			[0-9ABCEF] [\dA-F] {3}
			D [0-7] [\dA-F] {2}

# this is a sexeger
my $u_notation = qr{
		[\dA-F] {2}
			[0-7] D 0? 0?
			[\dA-F] [\dABCEF] [\dA-F] {0,2}
	u \z

my %agl;

sub decode_glyph {
	my $digits;
	return join '', map {
		exists $agl{ $_ }
			? $agl{ $_ }
			: ( ( $digits ) =            m/$uni_notation/ ) ? _utf8ify $digits =~ /(....)/g
			: ( ( $digits ) = reverse =~ m/$u_notation/   ) ? _utf8ify scalar reverse $digits
			: '';
	map { split /_/ }
	map { /\A(.+?)\./ ? $1 : $_ }
	map { split } @_;

sub parse_adobeglyphlist {
	my ( $input_method, $data ) = @_;

	my %reader = (
		array => sub { $_[0] },
		data  => sub { [ split /^/m, shift ] },
		fh    => sub { [ <$_[0]> ] },
		file  => sub {
			open my $fh, '<', $_[0]
				or _croak( "Error opening $_[0]: $!" );
			[ <$fh> ];

	_croak( "No such input type '$input_method'" )
		unless exists $reader{ $input_method };

	my $lines = $reader{ $input_method }->( $data );

	@$lines = grep !/\A \s* (?: \# | \z)/x, @$lines;

	chomp @$lines;

	%agl = map {
		my ( $code_pt, $glyph ) = split /;/;
		( $glyph => _utf8ify $code_pt );
	} @$lines;

	delete $agl{ '.notdef' };

	return 1;




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

PostScript::DecodeGlyphName - PostScript glyph name to Unicode conversion


 use PostScript::GlyphToUnicode file => '/usr/doc/PostScript/aglfn13.txt';
 print PostScript::GlyphToUnicode::map('Euro'), "\n";


This module implements (most of) the PostScript glyph name to Unicode codepoint
conversion algorithm as described by Adobe at

To do something more than marginally useful with this module you will need to
download the S<Adobe Glyph List> from


=head2 parse_adobeglyphlist

This function parses an S<Adobe Glyph List> file and returns true on success.
On failure, it returns false and supplies an error message in the package
variable C<$ERROR>. It expects its first argument to specify how to retrieve
the data. The following options exist:

=over 4

=item C<file>

Takes the name of a file containing the S<Adobe Glyph List>.

=item C<fh>

Takes a filehandle reference that should be open on a file containing the
S<Adobe Glyph List>.

=item C<array>

Takes an array reference. Each array element is expected to contain one line
from the S<Adobe Glyph List>.

=item C<data>

Takes a scalar that is expected to contain the entire S<Adobe Glyph List> file.


For convenience, you can pass the same parameters to the module's C<import()>
function, as exemplified in L</"SYNOPSIS">. It will croak if it encounters any

=head2 C<decode_glyph>

This function takes a list of strings, each containing whitespace separated
PostScript glyphs, and returns them concatenated as a single character string.

(You may want to memoize this function when processing large PostScript


The C<decode_glyph> function does not take the font into account and therefore
will produce incorrect results for glyphs from the I<ZapfDingbats> font.
