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The initial aim of this project was to implement a rewards system for my daughter. Good behavior earns a happy face; bad behavior earns a sad face. The total number of points earned on a given day is the difference between happy faces and sad faces. Points are accumulated per week, and can be redeemed throughout the week for various prizes (ie, good behavior earns rewards).

The front-end is written in React (javascript) and the backend is written as a Flask (python) RESTful API.

alt text


Make sure you have python (and pip) installed on your system. Make sure you have node (and npm) installed on your system. Make sure you have some type of database system on your site (the default setup uses sqlite for local development.) The installation instructions below assume code is running on a Linux (Ubuntu) machine.


To install python Python typically comes installed on Ubuntu by default. If you need to install a later version, click here.

To install node: Follow the below instructions to install node on Ubuntu 18.04 (click here for more details)

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs

To verify node installation:

node --version
npm --version

To install sqlite Read more here

sudo apt update
sudo apt install sqlite3

Install Happy Points

  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Create a virtual environment.

  3. Install the dependencies.

    • Install the frontend dependencies using node package manager

      cd {happy-points-install-dir}/frontend
      npm install
    • Install the backend dependencies using pip

      cd {happy-points-install-dir}/backend
      pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Top-level dependencies for the backend server

      • flask
      • flask-sqlalchemy -- this is the ORM
      • flask-migrate -- manage migrations and schema changes
      • Environs -- manage environment variables
      • moment -- nice library for handling dates
      • pytest -- testing framework
      • WebTest -- helps with testing apis
      • factory_boy -- helps create mock objects for testing
  4. Set up the database This script will create the main table needed for the application. If you want to populate the table with test data, open testdb.sql and uncomment the sql statements.

    cd {happy-points-install-dir}/backend/happy_points
    cat testdb.sql | sqlite3 happy.db

Managing settings

The .env file included is meant for dev purposes only, and should not be used on a production server. The settings specifed in this file will be read in and passed to the flask application. If an app is not specified in the .env file, the appropriate default will be used the You should not need to modify this file to get started -- the defaults will work fine for local development.

var description
FLASK_APP (required) Specifies the file running the flask server
FLASK_ENV (required; default=production) Specifies the environment (development or production)
DATABASE_URL (optional; default=sqlite db named happy.db in your current working dir) By default, this app will use a sqlite db when running locally. You can install postgres or another db compatible with SQLAlchemy
DATE_FORMAT (optional; default="ddd, MM-DD-YYYY") Specifies the date format used to display the dates in the API and on the front-end

Run the Application

To run the application, start the front-end client and the backend REST server. (I'm not using webpack or a similar tool, for now, I'm just starting each piece manually in two separate terminals.)

To start the frontend

cd {happy-points-install-dir}/frontend
npm start

To start the backend

cd {happy-points-install-dir}/backend

The run script is provided for convenience. It starts the flask server on port 5000 because your front end application will be running on port 3000 (the default port used by node).

Navigate to your localhost and view the app. It should look like below:

alt text


This project provides several unit tests.

To run the test cases:

cd {happy-points-install-dir}/backend/tests

The tests are also categorized according to functionality - whether they tests the api or whether they test a database operation. To run the api tests, run:

pytest -m api

To run the database tests, run:

pytest -m db

You can add additional categories of tests by modifying the pytest.ini file, which is also in that same tests dir. Just add another category name and description under "marks". To specify a test as part of that category, modify Add the annotation @pytest.mark.{category} above the desired method.