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Running the server

To run the server, follow these simple steps:


go run main.go

Or build Docker image:

docker build -t arkenio/provisioner:v1

Or run Docker container:

docker run arkenio/provisioner:v1

Provision a S3 bucket and a dedicated IAM user

Provision the specified IAM user and S3 bucket with the given name in the given region (this will also configure a bucket policy for the user to access the bucket as a inner policy to the user).

Expects AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY env variables to be set for now.

POST http://localhost:8788/provision/s3 body:

    "bucketName": "testnxio000004",
    "iamUser": "testnxio000004User",
    "region": "us-east-1"

If these are not specified, fallback on default values.


  "name": "testnxio000004",
  "path": "",
  "region": "us-east-1",
  "iamUser": {
    "userName": "testnxio000004User",
    "publicAccessKeyID": "***",
    "publicAccessKey": "***",
    "arn": "arn:aws:iam::188670881089:user/testnxio000004User"

To configure Nuxeo to use your provisioned resources set: nuxeo.s3storage.bucket=$name, nuxeo.s3storage.awsid=$publicAccessKeyID, nuxeo.s3storage.awssecret=$publicAccessKey

Provision an AtlasMongoDB cluster and a dedicated MongoDB user for the database

Expects ATLAS_USERNAME, ATLAS_API_KEY and ATLAS_GROUP_ID to set as env variables You need to provision a cluster and a dedicated mongoDb user for your database. ( Nuxeo will automatically create the database and the collections at start-up)

  1. Provision a cluster

POST http://localhost:8788/provision/atlas/clusters body:

  "Name": "testprovisioning1",
  "BackupEnabled": true,
  "ProviderSettings": {
    "InstanceSizeName": "M10",
    "ProviderName": "AWS",
    "RegionName": "US_EAST_1"


  "name": "testprovisioning1",
  "groupId": "57d8232ed383ad6a442810bb",
  "mongoDBVersion": "3.2.11",
  "mongoURI": "",
  "numShards": 1,
  "replicationFactor": 3,
  "diskSizeGB": 40,
  "backupEnabled": true,
  "stateName": "CREATING",
  "providerSettings": {
    "instanceSizeName": "M10",
    "providerName": "AWS",
    "regionName": "US_EAST_1"
  1. Provision a MongoDb user:

POST http://localhost:8788/atlas/users

 "username": "testprovisioning1",
 "databaseName": "nuxeo",
 "password": "nuxeo"


  "username": "testprovisioning1",
  "groupId": "57d8232ed383ad6a442810bb",
  "roles": [
      "databaseName": "nuxeo",
      "roleName": "readWrite"
  "databaseName": "admin"
  1. Fetch back the cluster. If the instance has been created, the mongoURI will be returned

GET http://localhost:8788/provision/atlas/clusters/{testprovisioning1}

returns also:

"mongoURI": "mongodb://,,",

For the above example, configure Nuxeo as: nuxeo.mongodb.dbname=nuxeo
nuxeo.mongodb.server= mongodb://,,

  • generally the nuxeo.mongodb.server = sprintf("mongodb://%s:%s@%s", $mongoDBUser, $mongoDBDatabase, $mongoURI)

About Nuxeo

Nuxeo provides a modular, extensible Java-based open source software platform for enterprise content management, and packaged applications for document management, digital asset management and case management.

Designed by developers for developers, the Nuxeo platform offers a modern architecture, a powerful plug-in model and extensive packaging capabilities for building content applications.

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