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arons edited this page Nov 15, 2016 · 22 revisions

This project is intended to easily and fast compile and deploy an Arduino project. It contains a base Makefile and ANT script. Both of them can be included in your project to build and deploy your project.

If your are using Eclipse, you don't need any additional plugin. Simply use the ant script. Optional you can install "Eclipse for C/C++ Developers" if you want syntax highlighting.

It works under linux and windows.

Any suggestions or corrections would be greatly appreciated, thx.



Download the project:
$ git clone ArduinoDevel
or by https:
$ git clone

#Quick start Create your project directory and create a Makefile. Makefile example:

ARDUINODIR := <your arduino sdk dir>
BOARD := uno
SERIALDEV := /dev/ttyACM0

ARDUINODEVEL := ~/workspace/ArduinoDevel
include $(ARDUINODEVEL)/

Add your libraries under "lib" directory. Check project examples under the example directory.

run $ make help for a list of possible action

run $ make boards to have a list of available board.
NOTE: for arduino nano you need to specify the CPU as well.
After you set the BOARD use $ make board_info to show the available cpu.

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